design (1144)

Image by Piera Gelardi, via Refinery29

Anyone with a love for jewelry and some time on their hands shouldn’t miss out on this rare chance to work for one of New York’s hippest, smartest, nicest, most beloved accessories makers (pictured, left}.
Yeah, you’ll be doing office work and getting coffee, but you’ll also be sourcing materials and making samples with one of fashion’s best craftsmen (check out his wears here and here). Hurry—they need you, like, yesterday! [Free Fashion Internships]

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Photos via eBay/azzizz

Maybe it’s the summer heat’s getting to us, but we really like the idea of adding some mystery to our apartment walls. So when A Slip of a Girl featured anonymously drawn girdle sketches from the 1940s, well, we joined the secret artist’s not-so-secret fan club. Turns out that the same sketcher has
numerous pieces of models in dresses, hats, and corsets—all for sale on eBay! We love the mixed medium of watercolor, pen, and pencil that work together to exaggerate the female

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Photo via Flickr/Barry Fricke

It isn’t often that high-fashion design and prostitution collide, but in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, the world’s most glamourous industry is meeting its oldest profession. Similar to New York’s Fashion Incubator, the new RedLight Fashion Initiative mentors 16 of Holland’s most promising designers in the creation and promotion of their own labels. Thanks to the program, these young designers get
professional experience, exposure, and…oh yeah, subsidized rent costs

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Photo via Hedi Slimane

When it comes to Kate Moss, we’re used to seeing her face plastered everywhere. But unless you’re
running some top-notch company with Ms. Moss on your speed dial, putting in your five cents on how the supermodel’s presented is nearly impossible. Until The World’s Best Ever Kate Moss T-Shirt Design Contest, that is!


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Sorry for all the tasteless puns—it couldn’t be helped. In any case, such is the sad news coming out of Zurich—Nicolas Hayek founder of the Swatch company which, under his leadership grew into an international fad and durable brand, has died of heart failure at the age of 82. Said his company in a
release, “With deep sadness and regret we inform you that Nicolas G. Hayek unexpectedly passed away today due to heart failure during work at his beloved Swatch Group.” The fact that Hayek died “during

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Photo via Style Bubble

As much as we love young designers, it’s still a rarity for a recent design school graduate to make our jaws drop to the floor. So when Style Bubble featured Helen Furber’sridiculously forward-thinking shoe designs, we had to share it withyou. They’re just that amazing.


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Highsnobette just linked an informative short video
created by independent accessories and footwear designer Melody Ehsani,
and though she works with tropical patterns and Swarovski
crystals, she’d hate to hear you call her work all style and no
substance. “I’ve always had an affinity towards justice and I wanted to
fight for women’s rights, and I just realized that Law wasn’t the proper
vehicle and I felt that what came innately to me or what came easiest
to me was always design.” If you dig a lit

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Sexy Purse and Furniture

Peter Jakubik, young Slovak designer co-founder of Comunistar designers creates product which are provoking and shows his passion for spicy details. Collection of paper and leather bags combine two elements of female worlds in a very creative way. Result is surprising, funny and unconventional. Judge by yourself ladies, which of you would like to make shopping with such original bags.

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"I always wanted to be an actress, mainly because I wanted to be glamorous.” Mission accomplished,
. [Telegraph
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Young designers—at the risk of insulting you, it amazes me how many of you don’t have the first clue about buying fabrics. I mean, your fabrics are the cornerstone of your designs and making sure you can get your hands on them for production before you make your samples, is essential. Why did you create that beautiful dress with a yard of novelty fabric that you picked up at the flea market last summer? Do you think that the 100 yards you need for production will just apparate magically? Praying

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For the Belgian wunderkind, originality starts with at thesketchpad… and the garbage can. “If I do a drawing and I have thethought that it resembles something already done I never keep it.” []
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Photo via Flickr/anyakamarek

Another Graduate Fashion Week has sped by, and we’re sad to have to wait another 365-ish days for the next crop of UK student talent. To cope with our melancholy, we’re reveling in our favorite finalist collections and the trends that might just catch on past the student runways.


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Walking down 39th Street, you may notice a number of delis, poster stores, and cleaners, anything but a thriving industrialhub we know as the Garment District. So it came as a bit of a surprisewhen the “Madein Midtown” survey released this week found that New York City’sfashion neighborhood is alive and kickin’.

The initiative, a six-month, in-depth research partnership between the Design Trustand the CFDA amongothers, reveals the importance of the neighborhood and its effect on NewYork’s economy

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Alice Halliday's Collection | Photo via Fashion156

We’re only a few days into Graduate Fashion Week London 2010, and trends are all over the map. From super girly to super, well, not, graduates are pushing the creative envelope. There’s so much talent on the runway that Alberta Ferretti (this year’s chair of the judging panel) might just have to draw the week’s winning name out of an ultra-fashionable hat. See the trends—terrific and terrible—after the jump.

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