fashion (12338)

The sisters behind Sretsis envision “Parallel Universe” as a series of interlocking and interrelated pieces, a jigsaw puzzle that can be put together to reveal a hopeful, harmonious universe. From this image, I almost visualize a mirror image.. Same, but yet not the same... I thought this was a great photo, so I wanted to share it with you. You can learn more about Sretsis and their fashion brand at the Sretsis website.
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PLA, poly lactic acid, is a polymer derived entirely from natural straches such as corn, rice or potatoes. PLA iscurrently used in a number of biomedical applications, such as sutures, stents, dialysis media and drug delivery devices.The technique process is the same to that of ordinary plastic products, which means usually it is injection molding or micro-injection, though the material of PLA is different from other plastic products.Comparison of PLA and other petro-chemical products

PLA product
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Fashion Designer Dean Alan : Fashion Image 15

This is the final image being presented in this fashion blog series of photos from a designer named Dean Alan. The fashion photographs are by Massimo Conti. During the past month I have presented 15 fashion photos regarding the Dean Alan collection. I hope that you have found the blog series to be of interest to you. You can learn more at the Dean Alan Fashion Collection article on Apparel Search.
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Organic fibers used for organic fashion and others

While conventionally grown fibers are doused with synthetic chemicals to promote growth and deter pests, organic fibers are grown without them. The word Organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed.It includes a system of production, processing, distribution and sales that assures consumers that the products maintain the organic integrity that begins on the farm. These stringent standards put in place a system to certify that specific practices are used to produce and
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It is one thing to bring your plain canvas tote bag to the grocery store, but a bag that makes a stylish eco statement definitely rocks!Here's my collection of some awesome fashionable reusable bags made of earth friendly stuff, such as organic cotton, recycled felted wool, non-woven or simply traditional reusable materials.

Key words: Bring Your Own Bug- Spider, recycled cotton, cool

Lunch box packing bagKey words: special sized for lunch box, 100% cotton(organic?), washable, neat;

Chess recycled
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Before you launch any kind of marketing plan, there are some particulars you must get into place first. Many people jump right into the marketing of their designs without first thinking about how to position the designs for maximum impact. Therefore, here are some important things to consider:Consideration #1: Offer a product that people wantThis seems fairly obvious, but if you’re designing size 2 skirts for a plus-sized crowd, you’re not going to sell them. Also, most new moms gravitate toward
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I have decided to presented a fashion blog series of photos from a designer named Dean Alan. The fashion photographs are by Massimo Conti. The image on this page is the 12th in this fashion blog series regarding Dean Alan. The Dean Alan collection is produced and designed in the Dean Alan Exports factory in New Delhi India, with the assistance of a team of artistic craftsmen who strive to create an innovative and exciting collection each season. It appeals to the easy going yet sophisticated
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Do Fashion Designers Drink for Inspiration?

Apparently, Olympic divers hit the showers after each and every dive. Possibly, they believe their swimwear enjoys the water. Actually, divers shower in between each dive to keep their muscles warm after getting out of the pool. The temperature of the pool water and the air are usually different. A pool is usually around 80 degrees, and the air temperature between 68 and 72 degrees. This difference in temperature can cause muscle tightness. To combat this, after exitting the pool divers warm up
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Creating successful email blasts can seem like a real pain in the tush, especially when you are a one-person show. Trying to find the time for designing, production and marketing can seem like an impossible task. For all of you struggling to make your email blasts count or all of you who are just starting out, here is a list of helpful hints for creating email blasts that are a real hit.Messages with ValueWhat was the last marketing email that you received in your own inbox? What made you click
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Bésame Cosmetics on the Power of Niche Marketing

I had a great conversation with Gabriela Hernández on the phone today, and I want to share the conversation with you. Gabriela is the President and CEO of Bésame Cosmetics, a luxury vintage cosmetics line based in California and whose brand image includes extreme femininity and grace of the old days.In this interview of over an hour, Gabriela talks about the success that she has had in marketing to a specific niche, in this case, lovers of the vintage look. She makes no small point in saying tha
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If you did not already know, I have decided to presented a fashion blog series of photos from a designer named Dean Alan. The fashion photographs are by Massimo Conti. This fashion blog post is actually the 11th of this designer series. I hope you enjoy the image. If you do, you can check the previous blog posts regarding this fashion designer in my blog section. Also, I still have a few more of these wonderful images to follow during the next week. You can learn more at the Dean Alan Fashion
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Nolcha NYC Fashion Week Preview

The Nolcha NYC Fashion Week Events are starting in a few days. You can check out the Nolcha NYC Fashion Week Preview that I have added on Apparel Search. The preview actually has two pages because I had too many photos... You can find a link to the second page from the bottom of the first pages article.. By the way, I apoligize, but I do not know the designer name that developed the exquisite design image that you see on this blog post. The designer is one of the UK designers, but I am not cer
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Get my 10-step fashion marketing plan template!


I have just developed a simple template for fashion marketing campaigns, which is especially for the small independent fashion business just starting out. This template is a great way to order your thinking and can also be used as a preliminary step to preparing your larger fashion marketing plan.The template is available as a free gift when you sign up to receive my weekly fashion marketing tips newsletter. Visit my new and improved website at't miss out on your chance
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Check out to get your fashion content read by thousands of like-minded fashion aficionados. Our current contest is a writing contest about "Green" (eco) trends in fashion/home/etc. We plant 10 trees for every post submitted and the writer of the best article will receive $1,000 as chosen by our panel of industry experts!
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Common Jewelry Mistakes - Accessories 101

While the first criteria for jewelry is beauty, even the most gorgeous pieces of jewelry can be worn to distract from either the jewelry itself or your outfit. The occasion frequently dictates the rules of fashion. You should be the center of attention, not your jewelry. Jewelry is an accessory – an adornment.Too Much JewelryPerhaps the most common jewelry faux paux is wearing too much jewelry. It can confuse the eye and blend your pieces into the appearance of only one piece of rather gaudy jew
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Calling All New York Fashion Stars!

Are you New York’s next big fashion star?If so, Jack + Bill wants to introduce you to the world! Jack + Bill, a NewYork public relations agency, is hosting an open casting call to select,one model, women’s apparel designer, jewelry designerand fashion stylist.Winners will receive complimentary PR representation leading up to NewYork FashionWeek, putting you andyour brand in front of top media and spreading the word about your upcoming projects.Come to the casting and tell us why we should pick y
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main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=3086607&g2_serialNumber=2POSITIVITY IS CONTAGIOUS!We’re all about being fabulous and socially conscious! These days we’re constantly being bombarded with the problems we face as a society, human race and citizens of planet earth. The depletion of our global resources, hatred and genocide among cultures and races, economic strife etc... We know that there are so many issues but, a lot of us are either overwhelmed by the responsibility to be part of the solution or we’ve become desensitized to it all and we just continue
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