green (416)

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. Everyone seems to have talked about its customary tradition of wearing green rather than its religious significance. We don’t celebrate this religious festival in Ireland here in Asia, but a fashion maniac like me dares to cross cultural boundaries for style sake. I joined the crowd to catch up with the go green trend. How’s it? Si o no?
Thank you Zalora Hong Kong for this glamorous Gothic Princess green precious stone leather cuff embellished with crystals for c

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One of my most treasured fellow thrifter Dawn Kaufman came into Doubletake Recycled Luxury to consign this item and it just stopped me dead in my tracks….  This 3 piece early 70′s Oscar de la Renta polkadot dress is just stunning.  The dress has a ruffled attachable skirt so you can give it that extra dimension and then the belt.  The patterns of polkadots in this vintage Oscar de la Renta dress is just jaw-dropping.  When Dawn walked into Doubletake with it, I was talking to Paula who happens t

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You know I’m a lover not a hater so when my eyes met this Nina Ricci label it was love at first sight!  I really should have taken a photo of the inside of the shoulders because there is a lace extra lining underneath which tells me it’s all about the details with Nina Ricci.  This is a powerful old iconic label and when you look at this dress head-on and sideways you see that it’s a real treasure.  It looks just as amazing today as the day it was originally conceived…  I believe everywoman need

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I love this vintage pink Pierre Cardin 70s disco dress with the original belt. Will you check out the belt? It’s not just the belt but it’s the shoulders & sleeves as well. This was just so beautifully designed and so well constructed that it’s timeless. I can put a woman in this dress today with a fun pair of Stella McCartney heels and she would look amazing because good simple designs never go out of style. The great thing about vintage is that the number of copies of an item is limited, not l

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When I saw the actual label on this jacket, I almost chocked on my Tic Tac!  I know you would have done the exact same thing.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE finding vintage Thierry Mugler, I wish I could say that I find vintage Mugler every damn day but sadly I just don’t.  It’s a real treat to find this label because I consider him one of the finest French fashion designers EVER.  He was so futuristic and you see that with the details on this jacket.  It’s very Jetsons – space age !  If I could squeeze my a

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Rachel Roy royal silk blouse with Burberry…


I’m a little annoyed at this moment because I had written a blog post on this Rachel Roy and Burberry outfit and it was erased…..  ERASED…  I sat down started typing the post and the next thing I knew it was ERASED.  So I don’t have it in me to even try to remember what the hell I said but I’m sure it was something of great importance…..  So here goes…  The top is Rachel Roy and the bottom is Burberry Golf…  God I’m so annoyed ……  I’m Daniel Troppy your luxury curator .

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I swear if I were a woman I would live in this vintage YSL 70′s caftan.  I’m serious I would live in it.  It would be my version of the Snuggie, but only R$CH & CHIC.  This caftan is made of terrycloth so it’s super absorbent and it has pockets so while the terrycloth is soaking up the water your hands can be tucked away nice and safe.  This just screams St Tropez doesn’t it?  I mean can’t you see Elizabeth Taylor wearing this YSL caftan, sun bathing on some yacht in the Mediterranean?  I sure c

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If anyone was handed out the Best Dressed Award in Atlanta it would have to go to my friend Nancy.  She has been a collector of the finest of the finest items for decades and she collects with great style and gusto!  Nancy pays attention to every detail, when she finds a fabulous piece she touches to feel the fabric, she turns it over to look at the backside, she turns it inside out to look at the hem and the way it was sewn.  She digest the entire piece and that’s what I love about Nancy.  She

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Versace floral sexy dress is a show stopper…

My eyes completely bulged out of my sockets when I saw the label on this dress.  It was packed so tight in between dresses I had to flight to push back all the dresses but thank goodness I did.  I tell you, you really have to look at everything when you’re shopping in a thrift store because anything could be anywhere!  This dress really does have the WOW factor turned way up, not to mention the sexy factor…  Next time you’re at a thrift store or at a yard or estate sale, leave no stone unturned.

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This Shoshanna dress just looks de-lish enough to eat and I mean that in a good way.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color of this dress, it looks like sherbet frozen dessert doesn’t it?  YUMMY.  It’s a sexy dress on every angle so why did it end up inside a thrift store?  No idea but grateful it did.  There isn’t any logic to why certain items end up there but I’m delighted that people donate their unwanted goods to thrift stores.  I would love to see a pair of Tom Ford heels with this dress, and prefera

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High-End vs. Affordable Fashion: Spring 2013 Trends

It's been called "Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony." [Quote: Pantone] Taking a cue from the glimmering, magical city of Oz, emerald is being heralded by Pantone as the Color of the Year 2013. 
With it's rich vibrance, emerald is a brilliant shade of green that echoes the first awakenings of spring. Now that we're moving out of the darkness of winter into the bright sunshine-filled days of spring, it's a great time to
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What To Wear With Khaki

What To Wear With Khaki

Whether you're running around doing errands, playing a game of golf, or just enjoying a casual weekend afternoon, wearing the color khaki is a great alternative to basic black. Ranging from beige to camel to taupe hues, the color khaki is available several shades that coordinate easily with different colors. 
Khaki goes beyond pants - now available in dresses, skirts, jackets, coats, sweaters, and accessories. This neutral tone is a basic staple every woman should have in her wardrobe.
This edit
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The Perfect Winter Outfit

With the festive season almost here, you may have already started searching for that all important outfit. Whether it is for day or night, we all like to have some new clothes for the winter holidays. Looking good at this time of year is important to many. Visiting family and friends and photos being taken at every opportunity means we have to look our finest. So this means shopping and lots of it.


If you are currently searching for an outfit, then perhaps our tips will help with your look. This

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Milo Baughman bench…

Mitch and I went to the Scott Antique Markets in Atlanta several years ago and as we were driving in to park I saw the dealer carrying this bench across the parking lot.  We immediately parked and walked towards the bench and the first thing I did was lift it up and check for a label and oh was I pleased as punch.  This bench was designed by Milo Baughman in the 1960′s for Thayer Coggin.  I asked the dealer how much and he said $150 and we didn’t even attempt to offer anything lower considering

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