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Photographer / YoungJun Koo

That's so New YorkAlthough street-style photography is somewhat of a increasing interest of mine (meaning that I haven't yet managed to force myself out of the house to snap some images for myself, and instead spend my days flicking through a series of street-style blogs, day dreaming that one day I could be half the photographer the majority of these guys/girls are) I've already began picking out my favorites in regards to blogs which I would happily flick back to on a daily if not minutely

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Designer / Anastasia Lomonova

That's so New York - That's right, the most recent addition to my archive of interviews is European yet now Canada-based designer, Anastasia Lomonova. The majority of you may recall my introductory post orientated around Anastasia earlier this week? Either way, she's possibly one of the nicest personalities I've spoken to in a while; not to mention her admirable efficiency in replying with the answers to my questions. Honestly, we have something special here; I just know it! 

8842989284?profile=original(Image Credit: Anast

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Anastasia Lomonova / Spring 2012

That's so New YorkOnce again, multiple designers have been shelling out with kind emails and sending across images from their soon to be launched collections. In this case, we have Anasasia Lomonova, a designer who is originally from Ukraine, Europe yet after the collapse of the USSR she then went onto relocate to Cyprus with her family and now resides over in Canada after training as a visual artist and specializing in oil painting, later moving on and attending Ryerson University, Canada. A

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Designer / Fanny and Jessy

That's so New York - Guess what? London-based design-duo, Fanny and Jessy were kind enough to answer my interview questions; meaning that I now have aspiring designer advice, background information and opinions from the duo in hand. I have to admit, despite the fact that I feel somewhat envious of every female out there and a tinge of hatred towards the label, due to the fact that Fanny and Jessy are a womenswear label and not a menswear label, I feel partially proud to announce that this pair h

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8842989667?profile=originalYoung Hip and Chic and Can Ya Heel Me? would like to cordially invite you to WALK THE TALK, a shoes and accessories fashion frenzy!

The event will bring bloggers to a red carpet event to share industry knowledge, network with celebrity fashion insiders, all while eating, getting a massage, shopping, and more! There will even be a small fashion show giving you the inside look of the new line Adore. Fashion stylist and designers will also be there to give you the inside scoop on what celebrities a
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Alex & Chloe | Forever21

That's so New YorkGuess what? Once again the wonderful invention that is email and the ability to subscribe to newsletters has done me well. So, you're probably thinking "What's going on this time?" Right? Don't worry, I bring you tidings of joy as I've been presented with a wonderful jewelry collaboration from Alex & Chloe and Forever21. Enough of my rambling; onto the images ...

8842988868?profile=original(Image Credit: Alex & Chloe | Forever21)

Okay, so it seems that for now Alex & Chloe and Forever21 have only releas

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Photographer / Todd Anthony Tyler

That's so New YorkWhen it comes to interview posts, I never thought that I would be interviewing photographer, Todd Anthony Tyler. For those of you who are unaware, Todd Anthony Tyler has built up quite the reputation and is now in a position where campaign, advertising and editorial shoots for the likes of Uma Wang, Stella McCartney, Puma, Vogue, L'Officiel, Look Magazine and McDonald's are considered to be somewhat of a frequent occurrence. Todd answered all of my questions thoroughly and h

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Stephanie Grace Foy

That's so New YorkBy now I’m sure you’re all aware that I’m somewhat of a hawk when it comes to the release of new stores or finding brand new designer names who I can jot about on more than one occasion (what can I say? I’m not one for a single mention, yet instead like to border on the annoying with multiple kicks of information) whether it be in my notepad, on a sticky note or even right here, shouting about it like I’m some Victorian Londoner who is trying his best to sell the morning new
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Fanny and Jessy / Autumn 2011

That's so New YorkEarlier this week, London-based design duo Fanny and Jessy were kind enough to send across the official images from their Autumn/Winter 2011 look book and although I already had a rough idea of what the collection entailed after noticing a feature on another blog, I was extremely impressed with the sheer quality of the images and the abstract personalities behind the designs. Fanny and Jessy are known for their impeccable taste when it comes to those items which are slightly

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So you love to live well, eat well and dress well but wouldn't life be so much sweeter if you had someone help you arrange all of you decadent dreams? That's where Music and Commerce comes in. The luxury marketing agency has recently launched a personal concierge service which caters to high-end clientele by providing them with the best detail oriented service money can buy.

luxury,luxury concierge services new york,vip experiences,vip meet and greets,vip tickets,vip hospitality,lifestyle management,luxury concierge
The company specializes in VIP experiences and VIP meet and greets and has become New York's best concierge service.

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That's so New YorkAfter weeks of collecting questions from a series of sources, I thought that today was the day to debut one of my new concepts which I would like to introduce to you all. In addition to interviews, I will also be asking various sources slightly more one off and random questions, to ensure that alongside the professional we see the personal side of a character. I'm completely against the barrier which is held between designers, photographers, business owners and their custome
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We Are Selecters / "Escape" Collection

That's so New YorkYesterday evening, the wonderful people over at We Are Selecters were kind enough to send across the look book for their Fall/Winter 2011 collection; that of which has been titled "Escape". After experiencing sheer amounts of joy after flicking through the images, I thought that it would be best to "share" these images with you. See, how nice am I?

8842979495?profile=original(Image Credit: Photographer - Marta Julve, Stylist - Patricia Proko, Stylist's Assistant - Mónica, Hair-Styling - Adolfo Senao, M

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Alex and Chloe / SALE

That's so New York - Thanks to the wonderful invention that is email and "subscribe" options on various online-stores, this afternoon I received an email from Alex and Chloe which bombarded me with various discounts across the Alex and Chloe store. Brands which have happily slipped themselves into the sale include the likes of Cheap MondayObesity and Speed and The Local Firm, followed by a selection of own-label items from Alex and Chloe; including a series of items from my favorite collection

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Topman / Multi Coloured Stripe Jumper*

That's so New York - Despite the fact that over here in England, United Kingdom it seems that the weather has lost all sense of direction, as humidity and sunshine is on a high, in addition to summer which presented nothing but the odd day of welcomed sunshine, followed by an ever so frequent unwelcome down pour of rain, autumn shopping is something I can’t seem to keep off my mind; primarily due to the fact that the outgoings of my bank seem to be tallying up to a little more than my income (li
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Maria Lau / Autumn 2011

That's so New YorkGuess what? London-based jewelry designer, Maria Lau has only gone and sent across a selection of images from her Autumn/Winter 2011 collection; that of which she has titled Two Planets, following on from her Spring/Summer 2011 collection which snatched the same titled, yet a completely different concept. 
I mean, how nice of her was that? 

8842981882?profile=original(Image Credit: Designer - Maria Lau, Art Direction and Styling - Philip Li, Photography -Jonny Finch,

Make-up and Hair - Lucy Pearson, Mode

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That's so New YorkOnce again, I managed to leave you hanging for a more than respectable amount of time; I mean, I think it was early last week when I first started bragging about this interview with designer, Natalie Coleman of NATALIEBCOLEMAN which I was hoping to present to you towards the end of last week at the latest, yet once again college took it's toll and my late-afternoon naps set in; basically? I'm sure it's not a surprise when I say, it didn't get done, alright? (note my attitude

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Mina + Oli

That's So New YorkFrom the various thoughts which have been rushing through my head over the course of the past day or two alone, I think it's safe to say that the simple things in life certainly seem to be pleasing me a little more frequently than usual; all I can assume is that my brain has decided that college is a little too strenuous and persnickety items which hold large amounts of detail are too much for it to process. The result? My mind is becoming more and more attracted to restrict

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