Fun (314) for original post!



Sorry I'm a day late from the usual Friday "Weekly Inspirations" post! This week's inspirations are all about patterns. I can't get enough of the Summer weather and the bright, fun colors that come along with it. From sundresses to home decor brights, I can't wait to create some edge in my wardrobe and home.

In the bedroom...




{A bold-patterned beskirt}
In the Lounge...


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Let it shine all summer long

Shimmer was huge during winter and fall and this summer it has returned stronger than ever, but you need to be cautious when adopting this trend because it can go from fab to drag very quickly. I have put together this short list of the Do's and Don'ts of shimmer to help you look fabulous all summer long.Let’s begin with the make-up. During the summer months the heat and humidity make our bodies sweat and our faces shine more than usual, so why add extra shine with the make-up?Don't: Use glitter
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Make your shorts work at the office

June has been an incredible month for The Style Hunter...We are only 9 days into the month and I'm already meeting fabulous designers, getting featured on Rue La La's Facebook page, writing for and yesterday we reached 201 fans!! Thank you hunters!! You keep me excited and motivated to go on with the hunt!!To celebrate all this exciting achievements, I want to share you the styling tips that were featured on Rue La La's facebook page on how to style shorts for the work place ... plu
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Summer trends on a budget

I am an avid Vogue reader (what a shocker right?) and after seeing Blake Lively in June's magazine she has become my new girl crush. I confess I have never seen Gossip Girl but if she looks as hot in it as she does in the mag, I totally understand why the show is so popular.

In this month's spread, she sports the latest trends for summer: all about the white, the tie dye look and the sweet pastels among others. My favorite outfits have to be the white leather Versace dress she is photographed in
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The Netflix for bags

Did you go see SATC 2 already? Is it fabulous?....don't tell me anything!! I haven't seen it yet and I'll have to wait until next week to see it...I didn't get tickets on time... boohoo...But not all is lost, I might not be have tickets to the fab premier but that means I have more time to decide what to wear! As you know this are recession times and instead of going to the mall and getting a new outfit every weekend I've had to reinvent my closet over and over again (I should get an award for m
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The Swaping Extravaganza

Last Saturday was the Swap Miami Spring Inaugural Event hosted at Cafeina and it was AMAZING!!! I was there as a volunteer (and as a swapper of course) sorting pieces, appraising items, giving styling tips and basically helping out in every way possible. It was unbelievable the amount of very high quality (and super fashionable) items I came across with...from brand new Dolce & Gabbana dresses to Coach bags and hats... some of them even with the tags on!The organization of the event was impeccab
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Fabulous Summer Hair secrets!

I love Fridays! the working week is over, I can wake up late tomorrow and go to the beach, have some drinks, go shopping....aaaah total glory. But you know what's better than a Friday?... a good hair day on a Friday!!!!Yesterday was one of those not-so-good know the type of day when you want to throw the computer out the window, burn the closet because you can't find anything to wear and use a sharpie to do your own highlights... not a good day at all.So, before having a "serenity now
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The Style Hunter goes Cycling...

Monday is here! and that means that a new workout is coming our way. For the past weeks it has been all about toning the upper and lower body with specific exercises, weights and yoga training; but this week I want to do something different...I want to go indoor cycling!

A few years ago, when I was single and living with my parents, I was a total spinning junkie. I would go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week and spin for 1 hour and do cardio or yoga for another hour...I had buns of steel and thighs
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Winning is always fun so why not give it a shot! From now until Tuesday, February 23, 2010, we are giving our fans a chance to win a watch from the new STORM of London Spring 2010 collection. It's simple to enter all you need to do is head on over to and join our fan page. You'll then have access to view our Spring 2010 Collection photo album. By posting the name of your favorite watch from the collection on our wall you'll entered to win big! See it's just that si
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Valentine's Day 2010

This Valentine's Day we would like to help you make your special someone's day extra special with a STORM timepiece. If you're looking for the perfect gift we have it. For 4 days only we'll be offering 20% off of all purchases that are made on At the end of your shopping experience enter VDAY2010 at checkout to take advantage of this special gift from STORM of London.


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Fall's Black and White: Too safe for fun?

As I was perusing the latest content of GQ I noticed something that I had hoped I wouldn't: Diesel has finally won. Black, Black, Black on every designer. Sure the prints are nice, and colors are hard to work during Fall, but to use black as the crux? BORING! Even brown seems to brighten up my day when I look around on top designers' websites. I was happy to see that dark, royal blues and purples were hidden away here and there, but subtly is something that I was hoping wouldn't be the choice as
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For the Toddler Divas of the World

Accessorize Me! Set: Tee, Jeans, ShrugI have two tiny divas of my own, so I knew the Accessorize Me! collection would have to be part of my toddler girls' line.

I knew it the day my 2-year-old sached into the kitchen where my husband had just arrived from work, struck a pose, and waited for him to compliment her new shoes.

I knew it when my 4-year-old became fascinated with filing her nails and having them painted.

I knew it when, a year before that when she was still perfecting the finer points of speech, she asked me for a cotton bal
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Lipstick Royalty ~~ Hello! <3

Hello!Well... this is scary! All those biiig fashion names out there... all so etablished! And then there's little me, sitting here, a teeny-tiny newbie... *Sniff*Ok. Sliiiiiiiiiight exaggeration there... Heh heh!I guess what I'm here to say to you all is "HEY!! READ LIPSTICK ROYALTY MAGAZINE!!"... and, you know what, I really hope you will!We're a young, fresh, new magazine, and we're out ther to blow you all away... in fact, I think that we have a profile here...? (*Runs away to check*) Yep -
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Clothes for All Shapes and Sizes

3d8a1f5c_1.jpgOh, to fit all toddler shapes and sizes!

I love to hear from customers that a toddler outfit fits perfectly... and it's a hard-won compliment!

Babies and toddlers do come in ALL shapes and sizes. Did you ever stop to consider that women's clothes are sizedmainly according to body proportions, assuming that basic measurements like height, arm length, and inseam aremore or less the same for all women?

With baby & toddler clothes, all bets are off, and every measurement is up for grabs! A 4T has to tr
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8843692097?profile=originalWhen the fall trends hit hard, get all your shoes! shoes! shoes! shoes all over! to go with them from Melissa's all you can wear shoe feast.

8843692260?profile=original8843692862?profile=originalIn this fall/winter, the iconic Brazilian jelly shoe brand Melissa has fulfilled most girls' unrequited childhood dream (including mine ☺️) of being a ballerina with the launch of a highly stylish yet extremely comfortable collection “Dance Machine” inspired by the dynamism and energy of dancers featuring a complete array of footwear ranging from the signatu

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Classy night out with girlfriends

Is there anything better and more rewarding than spending some quality time with your girlfriends? These moments together can become very precious, especially when you lose yourself in the fast pace of modern adult life. Even getting together for a home gathering is a fun evening to look forward to, but if you want to make your girl’s night out classier, you can visit some of the most popular places such as clubs and restaurants and make even more great memories of your wonderful friendship. Opt

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