luxury (1293)

I swear if these jeans could fit my butt I would wear them everyday of my life…. These sexy silverjeans by Miss Sixty are HOT and I mean on fire hot, like hot as inmucho caliente. Fire baby fire….saucy…. When I first grabbed thesejeans I actually did say a slight prayer to the GODS to make these formen and make them in my size but the GODS weren’t having it….at leastnot today…. Miss Sixty has been a trendsetter now for almost 2 decadessince it launched in 1991 by Wichy Hassan. This Italian high

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Each one of these dresses are on fire and I mean on fire, they are hot, sassy, chic and most important SEX-y. 2 of the 3 dressesI had never heard of before, never saw their labels in a thrift store,never heard about them…nothing. That didn’t stop me from buying thembecause each dress offers up tons of STYLE and tons of fun. The firstdress I found was the pink cotton with silk sleeveless dress that poufs,it’s a pouf dress, that reminded me of an early Christian Lacroix,and is Mag Couture. Never h

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Sexy seductive Ema Savahl dress....

I’m no longer a virgin. Yes you heard it straight from the horse’s mouth I have foundmy very first Ema Savahl dress which knocks me off the virgin block.Believe me you don’t find this label everyday inside a thrift store butfor some reason the GODS were with me and holding my hand. EmaKoja is not just in the fashion business, her work is about color, lineand composition: it’s expressly wearable art and without limitations.Where there could be plain lace, there’s delicate applique. Ema Koja’s atr

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Yes what’s her name is still modeling for me and I’m desperately seeking a name instead ofSusan… My eyes bugged out when I first felt this blouse and then sawthe French Connectiontag still on the rayon top. This top doesn’t even feel like rayon itfeels more like cotton with rayon, it’s just so super soft. Iabsolutely love the zipper on the back as you can see from detailphoto. This top still had the Bloomingdale’s $98 tag on it and you knowI didn’t pay anywhere near that neighborhood. This brand

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I have 2 very different dresses to showcase here : one is short, sassy and sweet andthe other is gracious, gorgeous and glammed up big time. I love havingsuch wide open diversity, I love having options for my clients and bothof these dresses do just that. The first dress is the short straplessabstract cotton by t-bagsLos Angeles which is the creative vision of 2 young designers – ShadiAskari and Su-Lyn Tay epitomizes sexy, sophisticated and instinctivestyle. This brand was started in 2001 as a h

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ABS by Allen Schwartz sexy wrap dress....

I’m having a flashback and I swear to you no drugs are involved. It was 1980 and I was in highschool in south Texas in a tiny town called Raymondville, you driveright by it on your way to South Padre Island and if you blink you’llmiss the entire town. It was right there at that moment where Iencountered my first fashionista and her name was Camille. Camille wasfrom an affluent family, her father was a very successful attorneyand one of the nicest classiest men of all times. Camille was justlike

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I got super lucky with this long formal SEXY black dress by Laundry by Shelli Segal because I have a client that has been looking for theperfect high volume black dress and now I found it. I love the off theshoulder spaghetti string front and click on the detail photo so you cansee the cut out in the backside. Gorgeous I tell you just gorgeous.Talk about walking into some party wearing this black sexed up dress andcranking up the temperature….ooh la la is all I can say…… I hope thefire departmen

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It really isn’t every day that I not only find a Prada linen jacket but a blousethat matches the color to perfection. Both are from the same thriftstore to boot which makes my work so much easier. I first found theblouse which is by J. McLaughlin button up and here is the story aboutthis brand. Brothers Jay and Kevin McLaughlinopened their first store 32 years ago at 74th Street and 3rd Avenue onNew York’s Upper Ease side. From the moment they opened their doors J.McLaughlin established itself a

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At this point my new mannequin still doesn’t have a name and I feel really sorry for her.Maybe I should call her Mutt or maybe Stray because if she were ananimal and ran around free without a name that’s what we would callthem….No Mutt & Stray doesn’t sound very STYLISH…. Ok back to mypost…. I’ll tell you I was very happy and flattered that I found thewhite cotton Tory Burchtop but I’m going to be honest with you about the Marc Bouwer brownrayon skirt, I literally pissed in my pants ! There I wa

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I’m having a really hard time naming my new mannequin. One moment I’ll call her Matilda then I’ll call her Barbarella so you see my dilemma. It’s a hard decision to come up with a name forthis mannequin since I’ll be spending alot of my time with her. If youhave any great name suggestions please let me know, I’ll consideranything at this moment. The one thing I do know for sure is that thismetallic snap button up dress by Eileen Fisher is ultra STYLISH. What Ifind very STYLISH about Eileen Fishe

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Mark/Giusti launch

The Mark/Giusti brand, for luxury men’s bags and leather accessories, held its inaugural launch with its "Bring Back Time" collection at Shoreditch House - London.
The highly anticipated event was well attended with a mixture of press journalists, retail buyers and select VIPS - all of whom expressed their sincere appreciation for the superior quality, craftsmanship and design detail of each and every Mark/Giusti product.
The wonderfully creative display for the collection shone each piece at its
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I have always loved combining brown + red in my wardrobe, I think it’s a stunning union.Red = fire and brown = earth so you have 2 opposite elements battling itout and you see that when you combine the 2 colors. There is thatstruggle of succession that I’m enamored with. Enough psycho babbletalk about what I think these 2 colors mean lets get down to business. Icollected this gorgeous Theory chocolate brown stretch top that is inpristine condition. For TheorySpring 2010, 17 stylists pored over t

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I had no idea just how hard it was going to be to get any kind of information about Shomi by MillerShor but when I saw this jacket in the thrift store I say ‘I’ll throwthe dice’. The single reason I grabbed this jacket is because of themodern abstract design of the jacket. I love the white stripe onfront, it’s so contemporary and fresh. I’ve Googled this label andreally couldn’t find any information on this brand which is to badbecause if this company manufactured this brilliant piece then whate

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I don’t care how many LBD’s (little black dress) you have hanging in your closet, there is always room for one more. I absolutely love how you can wear this Laundry by Shelli Segal LBD solo or in this case throw over a little St Johnknit cardigan and really turn up the STYLE volume. I’m sure somewhereout there on the internet there is someone talking about how many waysone can wear a LBD. If you’re really creative and I know you all are,you can crank up your volume the next time you wear your LB

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One look at this Tahari Arthur S. Levine black with pink pinstriped jacket and I was sold.It’s very modern and STYLISH with the pink bows on the front pockets butjust the color combination is a home run or touch down or is it a fieldgoal? You get my drift, the black and pink combination is extremelysophisticated and elegant. You might ask what is the differencebetween Tahari and Arthur S. Levine and I’ll tell you. Elie Tahariis the designer behind the $500 million empire and retailers likeNeiman

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I don’t think I’ve seen a more lovely linen jacket than this Bernard Zins in quiteawhile. I can’t seem to take my eyes off the flower background design,from an artist eye like my own, this is a artistic smash! Just toquote little Edie Beale from “Grey Gardens”. Bernard Zins died in 2004and was known as the father of the stretch waistband trouser, Zinsfounded his eponymous company in 1967 and was credited with applyingold world tailoring techniques to modern manufacturing. Suchcouturiers as YSL,

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The New West End Company is launching the London Luxury campaign to attract wealthy, overseas shoppers — and push those shoppers away from other stylish metropolises like New York, Paris, Tokyo and Milan.


The New West End Company is focusing on highlighting the shopping and luxury experiences found in London’s West End and on Bond Street, Oxford Street and Regent Street. Burberry, Louis Vuitton,Cartier and The Ritz are among the 600 retailers participating.

The campaign is based on the spending ha
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Got some leftover change you’relooking to invest? Well, you might want to consider dropping some bucks into whatever stocks you can find attached to the online retail sector. According to VentureBeat, online luxury retail is going to be the future shopping method of choice for a significant portion of people—estimated to grow 20% in popularity this year alone. That’s plain, old-fashion astronomical. Now if we just pull ourselves away from Net-a-Porter’s new, addictive iPad shopping app long enou
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Luxury Fashion Trends: Why Labels Matter

Image via Flikr/Cheng Xin

Whether you are into the latest Marc Jacobs handbag or the coveted iPhone 4, most us all have a weakness for certain brands or labels. Have you ever wondered what makes us splurge on an authentic Louis Vuitton rather than taking a trip to Canal Street for the best knock-off? Wired author Jonah Lehrer explores the question…


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