TIPS (539)

Beauty Trends for Spring



It’s been a long harsh winter and the spring is finally here in its real light. Goodbye cold weather and dry skin, and hello sun and light breeze! In order to fit in with the new weather circumstances, we also need to change our appearance and our habits. We cannot have the same style and makeup throughout the year and our skin and hair require a different kind of care in different seasons. This is where we come in with some amazing trends you can try on this spring hoping you’ll see something

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The word ball is derived from the Latin word ballare which means ‘to dance’. A ball is a formal dance party. These events nearly always have formal requirement. The options are limited when it comes to the look of a man for such events. Formal attire, tuxedo and spruced up suit are some of the choices the special occasion. However, you can dress to the nines even with the traditional wear.     


Here are some tips that will keep you looking dapper throughout the event. 

1. Right color combination



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With the warm weather around the corner, now’s the perfect time to update your wardrobe and make space for some breezy apparels. Summers are the time to shine when you get the opportunity to wear more light and breezy colors to enjoy the weather. Check out some of the must-haves below to help you easily update your summer wardrobe.

1. Stunning Shorts


Shorts are one of the top absolute necessities for the summers. However, If you are going to wear shorts, ensure you do it the right way. Get the one

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Beat the heat: 6 Skincare Tips for men

No matter who you are and where you are, the heat of summer always comes harsh on your skin. The common believe is that the skin of man is not as sensitive as that of the ladies. This is absolutely correct, but the pollution and harmful UV rays of the sun have equal damaging effect on men. The spring has already arrived and summers will be knocking at the door soon.


So, here are some of the skincare tips for all the fashion cognizant that can help you beat the heat.

Daily face wash

8843720467?profile=originalEven if you bath

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7 Ways to keep your Cat Active this Summer

“Some people say cats are sneaky and lazy. All true and they have other qualities too.”

Regardless of the season and time of the day, felines are always lethargic. These angles with whiskers definitely brightens up the life of humans, but making them get up of sunny spot is quite a task. Despite the fact that the intelligent predators are in a habit of sitting ideal and doing nothing, the heat of summer does adds to their lethargy.

Cat can adopt to a large variety of climate, but they are actually

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10 Must have Things to Bring to the Beach


Beach season is coming, and warmer weather is approaching very quickly. Are you ready to make a splash? The sun is out, and it is again that time of year to pack the essential beach items and head to the beach. But as many of us every so often do, we get to our particular spot on the beach, unfold our towel, and suddenly realize we forgot something at the house. Don’t worry, it happens to almost everyone, but rest assured that the list we are going to share with you will help you remember to bri

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Do you want a dazzling look?

We just recently said goodbye to 2016, and now we are in 2017. You may have lots of plans in your mind for this year. And among lots of plans of yours, having dazzling looks may also be one of them that is why you’re probably reading this article. If you’re worried about your looks, then this article will ward off your worries. Many people look at other beautiful people around them and think that having a dazzling look is a really difficult task. However, it is not th

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Someone rightly said, “Having a girlfriend is a responsibility, not a privilege and your job is to keep a smile on her face”.

Well, who wants to stay alone every day when your friends have that someone special who can talk to them when they are sad or lonely or be a part of their happiness? There might be times when you are lonely and think about all this. Jumping to a conclusion and having someone who actually creates problems rather than solving can be a very bad idea.


You can be the lucky one o

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9 Beauty Resolutions You Should Make for 2017


When it’s time to enter into a new year, all of us make some promises, being conscious that sometimes change is necessary. Most common New Year’s resolutions include working out more, eating healthy foods and avoiding arguments. But what about beauty resolutions? These are worth being added to your list, especially if you want to maintain the young looking appearance of the skin for as long as it is possible. So, let us check out nine of the best beauty resolutions you should consider for this y

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Moisturizing your skin and lips

You are more likely to face many skin problems in the winter season. Some of the common skin problems seen in the winter season are cracked lips, irritated skin, dry skin, chapped skin, and others. You may also suffer from eczema. According to the statistics, around 31.6 million people in the United States are suffering from eczema. The number is too high, and it shows that you must be cautious about your skin health.

The xerosis (dry skin) is expected to get worse

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The last 12 months have been a pretty (ahem) great year for beauty. After all, the clean beauty revolution officially became a thing—and it’s never been easier to follow a natural, botanical, and gentler makeup and skin-care regimen.

Along the way the pros shared some genius tips that make achieving a glow way easier.

Ranging from insider dish (like why your shower routine might be the cause of your body breakouts) to the unconventional (hello, face cupping) these are the top hacks that everyone b

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Beauty Tips for Healthy Skin for a Winter Wedding

Amongst all the bridal make-up tips, getting your skin to look healthy and glowing on the wedding day is very important. Simply taking care of it a week before the day is not enough. Your skin needs time to take in nourishment and treatments, says an expert.

Kalpana Sharma, make-up artist from The Body Shop, has listed some tips on bridal make-up in winter.

bridal wear


* Overdoing the treatments may lead to further damage. Make time for yourself and indulge in the treatments at least six weeks

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Fashion Terms You Had No Idea Existed

If you are not ready for what’s coming, we advise you to take a pen and pencil and write down. We are going to explain the best we can, and we tell you it’s going to be worth it. Pay attention: it’s the fashion content now.


  1. Choker top. You’ve probably heard of choker as an accessory (and worn one too), but here is a novice from fashion designers to emulate your style. Though choker is certainly something we would not recommend to wear on a daily basis – a strong feeling of being literally short o
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When the harmful effects of excessive sun exposure were highlighted by various media outlets, the general public panicked over fears that they are already suffering from the adverse effects of sun exposure. The reports highlighted the association between overexposure to the sun and the prevalence of skin problems such as neck and chest wrinkles, discoloration and in other more serious cases, skin cancer.

Out of fear that their time under the sun is under immediate threat, many rushed

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Naturally pink lips make you look attractive. You can get fuller, luscious and pink lips and would not feel the need of applying lip color when you follow these easy beauty tips. Like your face and other parts of your body, your lips also need a regular care. Here’s how you can take care of them.

Keep Them Hydrated Always:

Prepare mixture of honey, coconut oil and rose water to prepare a hydrating cream. Apply this mixture to keep your lips hydrated and nourished.

Use Crushed Rose Petals:

Pluck fr

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Aging is a natural process, and it tends to show on our skin. Although you can do a lot to protect your skin when you are young, by the time you turn 30, a lot of unavoidable changes are happening.

According to Scientific America, even at age 20, your body produces around 1 percent less collagen every year. By the time you’re 30, that’s 10 percent less. Since collagen plays an important role in skin firmness and elasticity, losing collagen is an obvious sign of aging.

Although you can’t stop time,

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When school is in session, mornings can be quite hectic, and sometimes your skin, hair, and makeup are the last things on your mind — yes, it takes time to actually style your hair, care for your skin, and apply makeup. Also, there’s the fact that you might sleep through your alarm clock — especially if you were up late studying! But, no matter your (late) morning circumstances, there are still things you can do to look great. We rounded up these top pro tips to try and make it easier for you to

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The Best Wedding Dressing Tips For Overweight Women

The overweight women are always conscious about wearing the right kind of the ethnic dresses while attending the wedding functions. Te problem becomes even trickier if you are fat and short. It is because such features will give you a certain roundness and accentuates you weight. So here are a few tips to look your best:

The 2 areas you need to work upon are the giving a flat look to your round body as well as creating an illusion of the height. So simplicity is not the quality to b embraced here

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Wedding days are special occasions for all women. It is always a dream come true; handsome prince, beautiful bridesmaids, color schemes, wedding gowns and many more. Apart from selecting the prince charming, selecting your wedding day makeup is the hardest activity. The makeup you choose is supposed to enhance your day in addition to boosting your looks. Makeup today isof many types, brands, models and purposes. Every bride wants a flawless skin, sexy eyes and body and smooth wedding day events.

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Don’t let people scoff at you when you tell them you see yourself prospering in the world of fashion. Though the industry may seem intimidating and exclusive, it doesn’t make it impossible to break into. You may not be a famous designer one day, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t capable of making a meaningful contribution to the fashion world while doing work that you love. All you need to do is formulate a plan and set off on your fashion adventure.

Start ablog

Starting a blog is inexpensive (or f

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