MEN (604)

The Hallmarks of a Perfectly Fitted Shirt

A shirt should fit you perfectly. Wearing a larger or a tightly fitted shirt can completely mess up your style. An ill-fitted shirt looks awkward, feels uncomfortable, and ruins your image completely. This is the last thing to be on your mind if you are looking to cast your spell on a special occasion. Therefore, the smart shoppers understand the basics of a perfect fit when they order shirts for men. It is always better to be prepared in advance. Here, the elements of an ideally fitted shirt a

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Magnetic earrings - Why you should obtain

The actual magnetic earrings for ages been accepted as an absolute must have addition for the guys looking to appear fashionable and also have a special flair about all of them. This kind of jewellery has appeared in the past and back in the 80s and also the beginning of the 1990s it was very popular. It required time for it to get back into the pattern but at the end of your day this is exactly what is being regarded awesome in 2017. You can see more and more magnetic earrings for men showing u

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Wedding day belongs to you and your wife-to-be and the two of you can dress for it however you want. But the truth is, you can wear a nice suit to a wedding and feel very dapper and dressed up, but so can everyone else in attendance. Beach weddings are typically much more casual in fashion then a conventional marriage ceremony and the apparel can also adhere to that similar trend. Most likely the groom’s wedding ceremony apparel will match the bride’s attire and the groomsmen will probably match

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Men and fashion are still considered to be an inappropriate combo. Well, there are no such rules that only women have the rights to be fashionable. In fact, we have more options when considered to the opposite sex. The only problem is we do not know many of them and the one that we are aware of, are not implemented in the right way. Therefore, to help you out the below blogs contains a full guide list of how to look your best in a casual way. Read on to find out.

1. Fitted attires are comparative

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The beach, the sand and water adventure do not come alone. It is accompanied by a lot of problem due to the heat of Summer. While women talk about the skin related issues of this season frankly, men still hesitate in talking about the same. Below the belt issues are one of the most prominent problems faced by men during the hot and humid season. Moreover, this is the least discussed topic. The only reason is the fact that men not only hesitate in talking about it, but are even reluctant in takin

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Sports Tracksuits for Men

Show the World Your Active Lifestyle…


You find men in tracksuits everywhere. You find them early morning in any of the jogger’s parks and at the gyms. You find then doing warm up exercises before the games or when any matches commence. You casually walk on the road, and voila, you find men in tracksuits even there. So what is it that makes tracksuits the most preferred choice for men of this generation? Why is it that every sportsman has to have a sports tracksuit with him? Tracksuit is a necessa

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If someone else says something concerning the jewelry then the the very first thing you can imagine might be engagement rings, diamond earrings and something else but one of the most describing bit of jewelry that the most are going give thought to the real gold chains for sale. A gold chain is something that many of us have whether it's a male or a female. It is something which folks just have to possess in their jewelry box. Just about everyone has received them from our mothers and fathers or

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Finding comfort in the unhealthy lifestyle is one trend that don’t seem to go away. The only reason behind this is fact that unsound habit are easier to get used to. Ditching the regular eating habits and other behavior of this sort is and adopting the healthy habits is difficult. Improving the lifestyle is not a matter of overnight adjustments. It involves a lot of commitment and some gradual adoptions. While women are conscious about their lifestyle, men are more of a laymen in this aspect.



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With the warm weather around the corner, now’s the perfect time to update your wardrobe and make space for some breezy apparels. Summers are the time to shine when you get the opportunity to wear more light and breezy colors to enjoy the weather. Check out some of the must-haves below to help you easily update your summer wardrobe.

1. Stunning Shorts


Shorts are one of the top absolute necessities for the summers. However, If you are going to wear shorts, ensure you do it the right way. Get the one

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Beat the heat: 6 Skincare Tips for men

No matter who you are and where you are, the heat of summer always comes harsh on your skin. The common believe is that the skin of man is not as sensitive as that of the ladies. This is absolutely correct, but the pollution and harmful UV rays of the sun have equal damaging effect on men. The spring has already arrived and summers will be knocking at the door soon.


So, here are some of the skincare tips for all the fashion cognizant that can help you beat the heat.

Daily face wash

8843720467?profile=originalEven if you bath

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Losing weight and unwanted fat is one of the most common New Year’s resolution. Almost all of us will be able to relate to it. Research shows that most of the resolutions go down the drain after January. At the same time, there are some people who fail to lose weight even after a lot of sincere effort. Are you one of them? Are you not seeing any result or has your weight lose slowed down? Run down the things that you may be doing wrong.    

1. Not working out


Just following a diet regime won’t hel

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Acquire Magnetic Earrings on the web

If you're reading this, then congratulations, you are a man that has made a decision, or is contemplating, the purchase of a set - or perhaps several sets - of Magnetic Earrings in an effort to broaden your visual possibilities of self presentation. If new to the trend, you may perhaps be thinking about, what millimeter size will be best proportionate to my ear, what finish would be the most complimentary, what design of magnet earrings is appropriate for a day at the office, accompanied by beve

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4 Tips for the Stunning Beach Photo Shoot

With summers around the corner, time has come to pack your bags for a soothing beach holiday. And when it’s beach, it’s definitely about beach photography. Photography at the beach can include different challenges like the harsh sun, blowing sand, squinting faces etc. Despite all these difficulties, there are simple tricks for the stunning profile pictures. Scan on to find out.

1.    Schedule the Photo Shoot either in the early morning or late in the day:

8843721495?profile=originalThe Early morning which means sunrise, is

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Black is generally presumed to be the color of winters due to its heat absorption factors. However, Many of us fail to understand that black is one awesome color that can make anyone look stunning. It makes you look slim and elegant regardless of your body shape or skin tone. This stunning shade can also be worn for summers but in the right way . “Okay fine, but how do I pair these in summers?” Read on to find the answer to your question.

The casual stud

8843719297?profile=original A tight, fitted black t-shirt with light c

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Underwear is an essential part of the everyday look, but why wear the same monotonous style daily. Give a spark to your underneath style with the trendy ones. How can it be done? You can enhance your fashion sense down there by switching to the contemporary styles of underneath article. Listed below are the some factors which can help you in updating your underwear collection.

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Thongs are pretty much as bare minimum as underwear comes: a thin piece of fabric connects a pouch to the waistband in the back leaving your derriere fully exposed. If you have an underwear fetish or if you like your jeans extra tight without having to worry about underwear lines or going commando, thongs are ideal at both an erotic and rightful alternative. But are they made for men? We say yes! We've got you covered with 5 reasons to why should men wear thongs.

1. Thongs Are Practical

There’s so

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Do you still think that floral prints are somewhat feminine? Well, if you just said yes to that, you must take a look at the fashion shows that feature men wearing all kinds of floral prints. One of them is just men featured in the image below. Think about the time, you wearing men’s swimwear that has handsome floral prints while you make a stunning statement at the beach.

Intymen Floral Swim Bikini

Intymen Floral Swim Bikini

Talking about the Intymen Floral Swim Bikini featured above, it is considered to be a great product for both flaunting and su

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Subscription boxes have revolutionised the e-commerce market with their futuristic ideas and effective customer service. It is in fact a convenient way to discover new gym products that may include clothes and equipment. The boxes serve as a great motivator for all the lazy bones who have been procrastinating their gym visit for months. Albeit their utilitarian qualities, they are also great gifts to all the fitness inspired freaks in your life. This new year, surprise them with a lovely gift th

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Men’s style loses much without men’s jewelry

Every single fashionable man that knows the significance of fashion, recognizes the role of accessories and particularly items of jewelry in creation of an original style that reflects his inner world and may serve as the best way for self-expression. In fact the aesthetics of our look and originality of our look is often times critical for our business and personal success. First you judge “how nice”, then you judge “how wise”. In this condition it’s very not reasonable to undervalue the necess

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Reasons why you should order earrings for men

Nobody would argue that the mode we dress may play a significant part for our success through our whole life. The reality is that, developing a particular style, we build a unique image that can help us to stand out of the crowd as well as to generate a particular impression on folks who see us. Under this circumstance the aesthetics of our apparel, whether it’s a men’s or women’s style, is apparently important, while our apparel is usually composed not simply of clothing items, but additionally

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