8843839491?profile=originalThe 2018 Debut Issue of Unjust Magazine is an eye opening account of all the disturbing issues that now plague America, and this magazine is a must read for any and all people in America and abroad, because you are guaranteed to find an article in Unjust Magazine that hits home with you, no matter what your race is or your economic status is, Unjust Magazine will touch a nerve in you to stand up for a bigger purpose in life besides yourself.



Unjust Magazine pays homage to both Malcolm X and Colin Kaepernick with a tribute to both men for their unselfish dedication to bringing the struggle of ethnic people to the forefront and waking up the deaf, dumb, and blind, and Unjust Magazine explores the current conditions of racism, Police Brutality and killings of unarmed Black Men, the great divide between the Black race and the White race with statistics that will not only shock Black people, but open their eyes to their worse fears about being Black in America.


Unjust Magazine features an article on poverty in America that will open your eyes to the struggles of the poor, there is also an article on open racism being displayed by Starbucks, as well as articles on Homicide in America and the most dangerous cities for homicides, but you will want to read the article on Immigration Ban efforts by the Trump Administration, and the most shocking article featured in Unjust Magazine is about America being the world leader in incarceration and the shocking statistics that will shock you, especially when you see the statistics on battered women convicted of crimes, and the over 90% plea agreement rate that many inmates accept over going to trial to fight their case.


Unjust Magazine is brought to you by M.O.R.E. (Move On Racism Everywhere)


Please click the link to read Unjust Magazine at: http://online.pubhtml5.com/frnv/aalg/






M.O.R.E. Website: https://moreunity.wixsite.com/moreunity


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