It’s sweet to find a brand new Akris punto navy top in the thrift store but its sweeter to find a vintage Scaasi linen skirt as well…  These 2 were completely made to go with each other they just didn’t know it until I grabbed them both and introduced them to each other.  I love what you find when you go thrift store shopping, you have no idea what goodies are out there you just have to find them.  Shopping second hand for all your clothing isn’t just chic anymore it’s what most STYLISH people are doing.  I’ve been a thrifter now for 31 years and I can’t tell you just how many thrift stores, flea markets, yard sales or estate sales I’ve gone to but I’m pretty sure the numbers don’t run that high….  Today there isn’t a single reason why everyone shouldn’t shop at your local thrift stores, hit your local yard sales & estate sales and most importantly shop consignment.  Consignment store shopping is where you are going to find those much needed treasures to add to your personal collection… it’s where all the truly good stuff is!!!  Keep it “green” by recycling, reusing & reducing your waste.  I’m your luxury curator!



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