Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani celebrated their first Ganesh Chaturthi as a married couple this season. The lovebirds were joined by friends and family for the occasion. Rakul wore a sparkling yellow…
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"Hello Olga, take a look at www.tifdb.com. We would love to have you featured on our site! Also, when you have a moment, let us know what you think!"
"We would love to have you in our database. Come and visit us and let us know what you think!"
"Welcome! Take a look at www.tifdb.com and let us know what you think! We would love to hear what you think and would also love to have you be a part of our community."
"Really enjoyed your collection...a rich history you have. Very beautiful."
"Thank you for participation and support, and by the way today you were the feature on the site!"
"Thank you for your interest and add. Check us out at www.tifdb.com and add your label, we would love to have you onboard!"
"Please come and visit www.tifdb.com and take a look around. We would love to have you as an addition to our site, and i am certain you will benefit from us as well.
if you have any questions, please, ask away!"
if you have any questions, please, ask away!"
"I will have to stop by your store when im in NYC again... i'm interested to see the collection you have."
"Thank you for your interest in the Internet Fashion Database. We support and cater to any and all serious Designer labels. this includes indy labels. We would love to have your addition! Send me a msg and i'll be happy to explain the details, as i…"
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my background is in fashion show production (back house mgt.) special events & styling. i love execution!!!!
It would be great if you would make mention of the Fashion Industry Network on your site. Maybe you can highlight one of our members and link to their profile as well...
If you have any questions about this fashion network, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Glad to be new friends !
I checked out your website and I'd like to join in any way that I can. I'm not a fashion student yet but I plan to be (starting in fall) and I wanna pursue a career within the fashion industry so I'm looking for any help :) Thanks!