Bollywood actress Vidya Balan paid a sartorial tribute to Bharat Ratna M.S.Subbulakshmi with a cluster of photographs that revived the glory of "the original style icon" who appearance was simple yet striking. It is her…
Hina Khan, amid her continued breast cancer treatment, has been continuing her work commitments as usual. Recently, Hina Khan turned into the most stunning bride as she owned the ramp for the Grand Finale at Times Fashion Week. Of course, it had…
When it comes to maintaining human hair wigs, the right frequency for washing and knowing the lifespan of your wig are crucial for preserving its quality and appearance.
Back in Australia now. We have just had fashion week for spring summer and have lots of events coming up. Also I write fashion stories and host events. Trinny ans Susannah from the UK come out here soon.
Loved my time in NY and have a few photos on display. I lived their modelling many years ago and was scared now I love it and want to go back. Would have locate the family but they would be happy, just would have to find the right job. How are you?
Hi Anna,
You can buy the tickets at the door. Doors will open at 5:00. Should be a great show. If you want, you are more than welcome to help outfit the models and other nuances. It seems that I am always looking for more help! (LOL)
Hi Anna, do you love fabric? So important what they feel like on the body. I'm head fashion stylist for Westfield in Victoria Australia. Lovely to stay in contact. Warn regards Rebecca.
Back in Australia now. We have just had fashion week for spring summer and have lots of events coming up. Also I write fashion stories and host events. Trinny ans Susannah from the UK come out here soon.
Loved my time in NY and have a few photos on display. I lived their modelling many years ago and was scared now I love it and want to go back. Would have locate the family but they would be happy, just would have to find the right job. How are you?
Warm regards,
Rebecca Atlas.
You can buy the tickets at the door. Doors will open at 5:00. Should be a great show. If you want, you are more than welcome to help outfit the models and other nuances. It seems that I am always looking for more help! (LOL)
maybe next time,
Laurie (Rebecca's husband)
Thanks for accepting my friend request I look forward to networking with you in the future. Do you have a website where i can view your collection?