Bollywood actress Vidya Balan paid a sartorial tribute to Bharat Ratna M.S.Subbulakshmi with a cluster of photographs that revived the glory of "the original style icon" who appearance was simple yet striking. It is her…
Hina Khan, amid her continued breast cancer treatment, has been continuing her work commitments as usual. Recently, Hina Khan turned into the most stunning bride as she owned the ramp for the Grand Finale at Times Fashion Week. Of course, it had…
When it comes to maintaining human hair wigs, the right frequency for washing and knowing the lifespan of your wig are crucial for preserving its quality and appearance.
Dear Colleague, my name is Keesha Parsons and I am the CEO/Founder of We are a New York based fashion PR agency that caters to new and upcoming fashion designers. We assist our clients in building their brand by offering various marketing strategies. Please visit our page at and click on the tab that says "Services", and send us an e-mail for new business inquiries and we will provide you with a media kit to review. We will personalize and customize each service to suit your needs in order to assist in building your brand. Please contact me at
Hi, I am Iris, I opened a store on aliexpress selling fabrics produced by our own fabric factory in China. I have been doing in this line for more than 10 years. we are specialized in lace,cotton and silk fabrics, and we accept small lot(50Y up) custom-made pure silk fabrics. if you are interested, you may contact me by my email: Thank you!
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Just wanted to say hello i'm a freelance designer of a creative swimsuit design for women ages 15 to 30 i'm wondering if you would have any suggestions on finding a buyer for this new and creative design.
Hope you can help! Robert Delk
Dear Colleague, my name is Keesha Parsons and I am the CEO/Founder of We are a New York based fashion PR agency that caters to new and upcoming fashion designers. We assist our clients in building their brand by offering various marketing strategies. Please visit our page at and click on the tab that says "Services", and send us an e-mail for new business inquiries and we will provide you with a media kit to review. We will personalize and customize each service to suit your needs in order to assist in building your brand. Please contact me at
Hi, I am Iris, I opened a store on aliexpress selling fabrics produced by our own fabric factory in China. I have been doing in this line for more than 10 years. we are specialized in lace,cotton and silk fabrics, and we accept small lot(50Y up) custom-made pure silk fabrics. if you are interested, you may contact me by my email: Thank you!
our store on aliexpress:
Hello: Thank you for adding me & welcome to my page.
There are lots of silk fabric for your design.Welcome to :
Hope you can help! Robert Delk