Stephanie Finnan replied to Lydia Carter's discussion What do I need to include in my portfolio for a fashion design course at uni?
"Hi Lydia,
As you have so much art, photography, painting, etc, you should amalgamate some of these ideas into themes for fashion projects. As Maryanne mentioned below, anything can be an influence in fashion design. Select some of your most…"
Feb 3, 2010
Stephanie Finnan replied to Stephanie Finnan's discussion HOW TO CREATE A FASHION DESIGN PORTFOLIO - ADVICE GIVEN HERE
"Hi Max,
Thanks for your comment, glad you enjoyed the article.
Look out for new articles coming soon!
If there is any fashion careers topic you would like to see covered in these articles, please let me know.

Jan 15, 2010
Stephanie Finnan commented on ayia's blog post why study something that you already know how to do ?
"Hi Ayia,
It's true that a FEW designers have made it in the industry without formal training, however this is only a very small percentage out of a huge pool of designers working in industry. The vast majority of designers DO have training. This is…"
Apr 6, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Jessie Stick's discussion Extra Help :)
"Hi Jess,

What area of fashion do you want to involved in - design, styling, marketing, PR, etc?
Are you currently at fashion school? Let me know more info, so I know how best to advise you.
For more advice on how to get into fashion design, read…"
Mar 31, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Fashion Designer's discussion Can you be too old to start in Fashion Design?
"Hi there,
You're never too old to begin new things!
It's true that most people start out young, however maturity and life skills will be valued by most prospective employers.
It depends on what your ultimate aim is within the industry, as there are…"
Mar 31, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to PaulinaCarmel's discussion Where do I start?
"Hi Paulina,

It depends on what your final goal is, as to whether fashion school would be of benefit for you.
If you are looking to set up your own small business, creating your own designs, then night school or classes in pattern cutting, etc may…"
Mar 31, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Cee Cee -Uttam London/Yumi's discussion How exactly can I break into the Fashion Industry
"Yes, I did a degree in Fashion Design & Marketing, back in 2001 at University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
To be honest, to get into design, you would probably stand a better chance if you do a degree, as the industry is so competitive these days. I…"
Feb 26, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Cee Cee -Uttam London/Yumi's discussion How exactly can I break into the Fashion Industry
"Hi Cee Cee,

How are you?
Ok, you need to really focus on a couple of areas of the industry, and just go for it!
As I noticed that you did a BTEC Diploma in Fashion, surely you can't be that bad at drawing?? If design is still something you would…"
Feb 26, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Chris Kidd's discussion FASHION EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK - 2009
"Great, just give me a shout if you decide to go ahead."
Feb 25, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Chris Kidd's discussion FASHION EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK - 2009
"Hi Chris,

Thanks for your comment.
Regarding jobs boards here in the UK, there is a huge gap in the market for something new.
Up until now, the traditional methods have been Drapersonline and, however these are jobs boards and news…"
Feb 24, 2009
Stephanie Finnan left a comment for Kendra Torgan
"Looking good special K!
Feb 20, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Chris Kidd's discussion FASHION EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK - 2009
"Hi Chris,
Yep, no surprises there, but still pretty depressing stuff.
Here in the UK I guess we are approx 6 months behind you guys, so the worst is yet to come!

warm regards,
Stephanie Finnan
The Fashion Careers Clinic
Feb 17, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Kavita Mehta's discussion Fashion designing job from home
"Hi there Kavita,
There are many design roles you could do from home, especially if you have a specialist skill, such as using computer packages such as Kaledo, Primavision, etc, which will make your application more desirable. Call a couple of…"
Feb 17, 2009
Stephanie Finnan replied to Dominique's discussion hiiiiiiiii
"Hi there - have you already got a portfolio to show?
If not, you need to create one before you approach any clients.
Once you have done this, it may be a good idea to approach companies in your area who are putting on fashion shows - for instance…"
Feb 17, 2009

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  • Hello stephanie! I read your Profile. I am a graduate in fashion design from india,and i am interested in freelancing, is there any way you could help me. If yes please do tell me what all you require me to post you. I will be uploading my drawings on my profile soon. I woul be glad if you could help me in some way.
  • Hi

    How are u? How is your clothing line running? If you have any opportunity for me in your clothing line then plz let me know at this time i am vacant. i am very appreciated by your profile. I hope you will give me good response.

  • Hi Steph, I work in the fashion industry for the past 9 years and recently came from the UK after two years.At present i am associated with my friend's Design Consulting and Sourcing firm located in Bangalore, India.We source Knitted and Woven garments, home textile, fashion jewellery and also do tech packs for our clients.If you have any queries then feel free to contact me at website is under construction and will be online in a week's time.Awaiting a reply and if you wish you can add to your friends list. I guess i have met you.
    Years Austria 2021
    Years - die Jahre im Lauf der Jahreszeiten. Sommer Spaß 2021
  • Hi Stephanie,
    have a lovely week end and keep in touch

    Marco :)
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    If you have any questions regarding this fashion network, please let me know.
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