(Photo:plus size formal dresses)

Ria Miranda, a Muslim fashion designer, has shared some of her thoughts on the Muslim fashion industry with The Jakarta Post. The designer of pastel-colored clothes, whose collections have been featured at Indonesia Fashion Week since 2012, now wants to try her hand at other businesses as well.

You have several clothing lines; do you design them all by yourself?

In designing, all ideas and inspirations come from me. But as I have a kid and am busy with other activities, in the end the remaining process is conducted by my team until it is finished. It can be like this thanks to our teamwork.

Where do you get inspiration for your designs?

From various sources, especially the environment. I need to know about recent developments in fashion trends and what the market wants, while still showing my characteristics. I do that, for example, by diligently watching fashion week events and reading magazines. My hobby of traveling also helps me to get inspiration.

Can you tell us about your collections this year?

In total, there will be four main collections, divided into Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. This year started with the Takana collection, inspired by Minang traditions and developed from tenun [woven fabric] patterns, as well as Minangsongket [traditional cloth]. Continuing on from that, there is Ramadhan Sea Shore, inspired by the beauty of Indonesia’s underwater scenery. For the next collection, it’s a surprise.

Who helps to support your business?

Thank God, I was raised in a business family. I learned many things from my parents and from my siblings who have started businesses. My husband also holds a very important role in developing my business. Their encouragement and prayers have provided strength for me as well as for the riamiranda brand.

Can you give any clues about your next designs? Do you have any plans to hold a show soon?

The clue is: inspired by human relationships. Our next shows will be at Jakarta Fashion Week 2017 and the annual riamiranda Trend Show 2017. The latter will be held in December this year.

Do you have any plans to start a new business?

Actually, I have started a new home and living business, but I am not yet focusing on it.Read more at:formal dresses

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