Bollywood actress Vidya Balan paid a sartorial tribute to Bharat Ratna M.S.Subbulakshmi with a cluster of photographs that revived the glory of "the original style icon" who appearance was simple yet striking. It is her…
Hina Khan, amid her continued breast cancer treatment, has been continuing her work commitments as usual. Recently, Hina Khan turned into the most stunning bride as she owned the ramp for the Grand Finale at Times Fashion Week. Of course, it had…
When it comes to maintaining human hair wigs, the right frequency for washing and knowing the lifespan of your wig are crucial for preserving its quality and appearance.
I am pleased to introduce my company Billoomi Fashion, as a leading manufacturer, exporter & supplier of woven & knitted garments for men's, women & kids. The range of our product line, good quality and competitive prices have made us one of the most reliable name among our buyers across the globe.
Located in New Delhi, India, we at Billoomi Fashion will work for you to produce all type of garments. We have dedicated in-house team for pattern making, sampling, sourcing (fabric & accessories), printing / pleating, customized labeling / tag, finishing / packing and door step delivery around the world. We guarantee for excellent quality, in time delivery & very competitive prices.
Your timely taking call on this matter could give us one big opportunity and begin a mutually-rewarding relationship with you.
Thank you so much once again and, I will wait eagerly for your reply on this.
Warm regards, Daniel Mark CEO-Billoomi Fashion, New Delhi, India
Welcome to the group!! My name is Denise and I am in the branding industry. We do clothing labels of several types of materials as well as hang tags. We also do zipper pulls, patches, stickers, etc. Whatever you need to brand your product we can help you. We provide inexpensive branding for everyone with low minimums and no set up fees. Check out our site and start with some FREE samples. We would love to work with you!!
Greetings of the day!
I am pleased to introduce my company Billoomi Fashion, as a leading
manufacturer, exporter & supplier of woven & knitted garments
for men's, women & kids. The range of our product line, good quality
and competitive prices have made us one of the most reliable name among
our buyers across the globe.
Located in New Delhi, India, we at Billoomi Fashion will work for you to
produce all type of garments. We have dedicated in-house team for
pattern making, sampling, sourcing (fabric & accessories), printing /
pleating, customized labeling / tag, finishing / packing and door step
delivery around the world. We guarantee for excellent quality, in time
delivery & very competitive prices.
Your timely taking call on this matter could give us one big opportunity and begin a mutually-rewarding relationship with you.
Thank you so much once again and, I will wait eagerly for your reply on this.
Warm regards,
Daniel Mark
CEO-Billoomi Fashion, New Delhi, India
Email ID -
There are lots of silk fabric for your design.Welcome to :
Welcome to the group!! My name is Denise and I am in the branding industry. We do clothing labels of several types of materials as well as hang tags. We also do zipper pulls, patches, stickers, etc. Whatever you need to brand your product we can help you. We provide inexpensive branding for everyone with low minimums and no set up fees. Check out our site and start with some FREE samples. We would love to work with you!!