Globe Trotter: The Professional Personal Stylist

Days filled with flying to Dubai to discuss the perfect outfit for a corporate mogul. Nights of discussing and developing wardrobes for a celebrity in Miami. What occupation (other than that of the over-night celebrity) allows a person to travel and focus on fashion and style? The chance of anyone becoming a celebrity or a fashion icon is slim, but there is a position for the rest of the style-focused hopefuls that want to travel the world.


The Global Stylist

Personal stylists, professional shoppers, and image consultants in New York, London, Mexico City and across the globe make their living by guiding others through the confusion and variety that is the fashion world. Although this is a dream job for many, it takes hard work and dedication to gain the skills necessary to be a quality personal shopper.

A professional personal stylist is only as good as the education and expertise that individual has gleaned. Choosing an ensemble for an important meeting, purchasing a pair of shoes to pair with various outfits, and matching style preferences and color are all complicated tasks. Completing these tasks, however, is an experience like no other.


Global Education

Individuals who want the style adventure of an image consultant's career must begin with education. Programs like Sterling Academy's 3 and 5 day personal styling and personal shopping courses, online guides to look book creation and wardrobe management, and even video tutorials provided by experts help build a reservoir of expert style knowledge.

Classes that take place in location-specific areas, like an image consultant academy with a class in Hong Kong, or a personal styling course in L.A., provide a taste of the lifestyle successful personal stylists enjoy. Corporate personalities often have no time to shop for themselves, and since such personalities travel for a living, their personal stylists can be called on to travel almost anywhere. Getting an introduction to the globe trotting part of the job early is a valuable use of time.


The Global Shopper

Whether you are buying from an established fashion house or from an up-and-coming designer, each day in the life of an image consultant is dynamic. Gaining a pension for the skills it takes to purchase the right gown under pressure, to choose on behalf of another, and to match tastes is essential. Those interested in such skills should seek out an image consulting academy to learn more.

Browsing the racks from continent to continent is no easy task. Individuals with drive, a passion for style, and a willingness to learn can make it in the image consulting world. With a bit of education and skill, almost any fashionista can be turned into a globe trotting professional fashion consultant.

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