Get the Mad Men look

Mad Men might be over for now but that doesn’t stop us wanting to recreate Megan’s sexy and elegant style or Joan’s undeniable radiance. The 60s really were the fashion years, and New York was the place to be to see the most glamorous outfits. When creating your own Mad ‘Woman’ look, the right hair style is vital!


The 60s were all about big hair and the up-do. And that means backcombing and hairspray, hairspray, hairspray. It just shows how much effort went into looking good back then, more than 30 minutes was spend pinning, backcombing and hair spraying to get the desired style, whereas these days, we are lucky if we put a comb through our fro before work at all.


As for the outfit it’s all about attitude. Look at Joan, she not only has the perfect Jessica Rabbit figure but she also has a mind for business and her whole persona embraces that fact. Joan’s most prominent feature, besides those curves, are the dresses that accentuate them. Joan wears form-fitting office wear that screams 60’s in a way that Betty Draper’s fluffy skirts could never accomplish. Joan wears a dress that covers everything and lets the imagination run wild. No matter what your body type, you can achieve this level of secretary sex kitten with some retro patterns of real 60’s dresses. Take a look through a selection of Vintage Style Dresses available online to fine the style perfect for you.


Heels are a painfully essential element to any woman’s office wardrobe, and Joan’s stems are no exception. High heels with pointed toes were all the rage in the 60s, and, when we can glance Joan’s feet in the show, she’s often strutting around in this bold look.


Now for the ultimate Man Men accentuation, the make-up! Joan’s tomato red lips accompany her quick tongue, and those long black lashes frame her calculated glances. Her eye shadow is done in natural tones, a good fit for a fair redhead. However, red head or not, bright red lips are essential.


So there you have it, the ultimate Man ‘Woman’ look. Try it out and get the wolf whistles you deserve!



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