How to Get Rid of a Pimple That Won't Pop


Pimples or acne refer to small swollen irritations that appear on the skin which occurs when bacteria (usually found in dirty towels), oil or dirt get trapped by hair follicles. Picking or popping your pimple can push the bacteria further to the deeper layers of your skin, making it worse. Health experts advise that you should always resist the urge to squeeze. Whereas most of skin problems we experience don't necessarily require the intervention of a skin professional, you can treat a pimple that won't pop using over-the-counter or homemade remedy products.

Step 1

In reference to James E. Fulton Jr, dermatologist and founder of the Acne Research Institute in Newport Beach, California, you should only apply a small amount of make up if available to cover the pimple. Using a concealer or large quantities of make up on the pimple can cause more dirt and oil to get trapped in the hair follicle which can make the acne worse. If possible, let the skin area where there is acne remain as clean as possible. Perhaps you should only apply a sunscreen to prevent further damage.

Step 2

Apply a small amount of over-the-counter acne treatment at a time instead of using several medications on your face every day. Some of the most effective acne-zapping ingredients include Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. However, combining the two at the same time can cause irritation or tingling sensation. Use only one at a time.

Step 3

Crush some aspirins and make a paste using water. Place the paste on your pimple in order to reduce swelling. This is according to "Reader's Digest book, "Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things." Leave the paste to dry out completely and then rinse it off using water.

Step 4

Do not pick or pop on your face. Resist the urge to move your hands on your face. Touching the pimple with your bare hands can put in more oil and bacteria. This can make your pimple appear even worse. If it becomes itchy and you can't resist the urge, gently massage using a dry cloth but press it against your skin.

Step 5

If the pimple fails to disappear within several days, consult your dermatologist for further directions. If you are suffering from deep cystic pimples, you might require prescription medications like antibacterial treatment or oral acne medication.

Other Alternatives

There are several other alternatives you can get rid of a pimple that won't pop. These include:

Use toothpaste: this contains silica, a drying agent found in bags of beef jerky and other things. Toothpaste basically helps your pimple to dry out overnight and reduce its size. Natural toothpaste is the best and should be dabbed on the skin on top of the pimple. Avoid toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate which can be irritating to the skin. Let it stay all night. Brace yourself up as it can cause a burning sensation.

Sea salt: mix two tablespoons of warm water with a teaspoon of sea salt. Using a Q-tip, apply the salt water directly to the pimple and don't rinse. The sea salt kills the bacteria while drying out the pimple.

Tea tree: it has antibacterial oil which is essential for killing microbes which have started developing on your pores. Using a dropper, apply directly to the pimple taking care not to apply too much. Tea tree has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness and swelling of the pimple.

Apply Astringents: these refer to agents that make the skin to contract or reduce in size. Certain pharmaceutical astringents contain antibacterial ingredients which help to fight the pimple and reduce its size.

Lemon juice: it contains citric acid that kills the bacteria causing acne while at the same time tightens the skin. Cut a lemon slice and gently rub it on the affected area.

Banana peels: these are effective in dealing with mosquito bites and are thought helpful in reducing the size of pimples. Simply rub a banana peel over the affected area.

Witch hazel: this is yet another great astringent with several uses when it comes to skin care. Find a witch hazel that doesn't contain alcohol. Apply a small amount on the affected area and leave it to dry.

A pimple that will pop is difficult to treat as it is very difficult to avoid the temptation to touch, scratch, pop or squeeze. However, there are several ways you can deal with such a pimple without having to dig deeper in your pocket or consult a dermatologist. In any case that the pimple doesn't disappear within a couple of days after you try the above skin lightening treatment approaches, it is worth getting help from a skin expert. It could be an indicator of another serious skin condition. On top of all these, make sure that you keep your face clean throughout the day.

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