One of the most satiating gemstones is aquamarine. I’ve used the term satiating in describing aquamarine because the gemstone is known for its relaxing blue to green-blue color. This satiating color of the gemstone is one of the prime reasons why aquamarine engagement rings are calling the shots in the present times. The other prime reasons for the popularity of engagement rings embellished with aquamarine centerstones are aquamarine’s hardness and durability and affordability.

If you’re thinking of proposing to your lady love with an aquamarine engagement ring then you will benefit the most from this article. That’s because in this article, I’ll enlighten you about choosing the perfect engagement ring that she wants. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

In order to choose the perfect aquamarine engagement ring, it’s crucial to learn about the quality and grading factors of aquamarine. These factors are famously known as the 4Cs and include color, cut, clarity and carat weight. Let’s talk about them one by one.

aquamarine ring


While the color range of aquamarine includes blue, greenish blue, very slightly greenish blue, very strongly greenish blue and greenish blue, the gemstone’s most desired color is dark blue to slightly greenish blue. Therefore, you can opt for a dark blue centerstone with moderately strong intensity for your aquamarine engagement ring. In aquamarines, the more intense and pure the color, the more valuable the stone. However, you can also choose a greenish-blue aquamarine centerstone for your engagement ring if you think it goes with the style and preference of your lady love.

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Aquamarine is the type of gemstone that looks its level best in many cuts. However, the emerald cut is one of the most common cuts for this gemstone. But you can select a cut for the centerstone of your aquamarine ring as per the choice of your lady love. As I said, aquamarine is the type of gemstone that looks its level best in many cuts. Therefore, you can pick just about any cut for your aquamarine centerstone, and it will surely look beautiful.


Because most faceted aquamarines don’t have eye-visible inclusions, you can get an aquamarine centerstone with few or no clarity characteristics. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the clarity characteristics of the centerstone of your aquamarine engagement ring.

Carat Weight

Choosing the carat weight of your aquamarine is a personal choice. If you’re on a tight budget then you can choose a small centerstone for your aquamarine engagement ring. However, if you’re ready to splurge then you can choose a big aquamarine centerstone. Because aquamarine is an inexpensive gemstone, choosing a big centerstone to celebrate this special occasion of your life won’t be a big deal.

So, these were the quality and grading factors of aquamarine. Now, let’s talk about the ring setting of your affordable engagement ring.

aquamarine ring

Ring Setting

The ring setting of an engagement ring is one of its most important aspects. That’s because the ring setting not only adds to the beauty of the engagement ring’s centerstone but also keeps it secured in its place. Two of the most iconic ring settings for aquamarine engagement rings are bezel and prong ring settings.

You can choose any of the two ring settings based on your preference. Because aquamarine scores 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, it’s a gemstone that can withstand the wear and tear of average everyday life. Let’s discuss the bezel and prong ring settings as regards your aquamarine engagement ring.

In the prong ring setting, the centerstone of the ring is secured with four or six metal prongs, offering good security to the centerstone. While securing the centerstone in its place, the prongs also provide enough room for the centerstone to shine in the spotlight. You can also opt for the bezel ring setting for your aquamarine engagement ring.

The bezel ring setting covers the centerstone of the ring in its metal, providing utmost security. Both of these ring settings are highly coveted among women of all ages. Therefore, you can choose any of the two ring settings for your aquamarine engagement ring.

The Bottom Line

These were some tips regarding getting that perfect aquamarine engagement ring for your lady love. I think now you can fashion an engagement ring that stands out like nothing else does. So, what are you waiting for? Go and design your engagement ring now!

My name is Victor Hyper and I am so excited to connect with all of you on social media. As a gemstone jewelry expert, I am constantly astonished by the beauty and power of crystals and other stones. I love sharing my knowledge and finding the perfect pieces for each person's individual needs and style.

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