
That's So New YorkI'm not usually one for jewelry, simply because the majority of the time I don't exactly find sifting through pages and pages of images which all seem to be portraying similar outcomes very amusing. I always seem to find that jewelry can be extremely monotonous and one you've seen a gold chain, you've seen all gold chains and once you've seen a silver engraved bangle, you've seen all silver engraved bangles, yet when I do take the time to click through a jewelry designers work, it is usually because I'm impressed with what I have seen leading up to that point. The majority of the time you will find that it is the artisans who really grab my eye, simply because they always seem to have a uniqueness about them in how their pieces are put together and the various shapes and colors used, yet my other weak spot? Ancient jewelry, swiftly followed by lumps of rocks hanging on a chain or oversized geometric structures from designers such as Chris Habana. I seem to hold some sort of grudge against modern jewelry and how a plastic-looking silver ring or a chunky gold chain can be acknowledged as appealing to some people (yes, that's right, I'm talking about what some title bling in so many words.)

You may have already guessed by now, yet I will verify that this is indeed going to be a post in which I ramble on about a recent designer/label which I have stumbled across and taken an admiration for. Recently I came across jewelry label, Ax+Apple (god knows where as I can't even begin to remember; I simply grabbed the name and shot straight on over to the labels official website.) Ax+Apple was founded in 2009 by Jamie Lyn, a girl who seemed to dabble in every aspect of creative arts, initially starting out as what her website captions
"a prop person" which lead her to her discovery of vintage props which later seemed to develop into a slight obsession (Jamie's life long pal Jessica Lynn joined her in 2010 when the pair moved into a studio based in East Austin where they are currently resident.) Jamie describes her design technique and aesthetic as being primarily focused around “making things like they used to”as each of Jamie's designs incorporate a mixture of old coins, miniature pen knives and crystals which are all thrown together and left hanging on an assortment of old pocket watch chains. The Apple+Ax label dabbles in every aspect of jewelry as it holds pieces which fall into the NecklaceBracelet andEarring categories, followed by a handful of Unisex and One of a Kind pieces (which is of-course admirable for me, seeming that I'm a guy and prefer to sift through the one off and unisex in addition to the women's only.)

I admire the whole tribal aspect which surrounds the label, followed by a mix of both complicated and simple design techniques which manage to spill out the handmade vibes (which in my opinion beats mass produced jewelry any day.) The Ax+Apple label does in fact currently hold its very own online-store which you can find on the official Ax+Apple website, yet of-course as pure usual I couldn't help heading over the store and yes, as always I also couldn't help picking out a handful of my favorite pieces from the current Ax+Apple collection which are currently available ...

8842953889?profile=originalAx+Apple Fisher Necklace - Unisex/One of a Kind (Retail Price: $72.00)



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