Bollywood actress Vidya Balan paid a sartorial tribute to Bharat Ratna M.S.Subbulakshmi with a cluster of photographs that revived the glory of "the original style icon" who appearance was simple yet striking. It is her…
"Hi Devon,
Great designs! Yes, your items can be mass maufactured.
I do not work with the factories that have the machines that do the work though. If you would like so general information about sourcing in China, please feel free to contact me.…"
Great designs! Yes, your items can be mass maufactured.
I do not work with the factories that have the machines that do the work though. If you would like so general information about sourcing in China, please feel free to contact me.…"
I check out your site. Good work. Nice to see you are working with Organic Cotton. I would love to talk to you more about fair trade issues.
I check out your site. Good work. Nice to see you are working with Organic Cotton. I would love to talk to you more about fair trade issues.
"well... I'm not too keen on the thought of making my living off other people's suffering."
"Thanks for the comment Wendy. Yes, the world is changing fast. I think the US economy is trading lower skill manufacturing jobs for higher skill knowledge worker positions.
The jobs we are loosing are actually helping to build the economies of less…"
The jobs we are loosing are actually helping to build the economies of less…"
"Hi Sosthenes,
I am interested in hearing your thoughts on factories in Kenya and Ghana. Also, what type of clothing would you like to design?
I am interested in hearing your thoughts on factories in Kenya and Ghana. Also, what type of clothing would you like to design?
If you are importing your products into the US, there are certain requirements you must follow. If you are interested in learning more. You can go to the US Customs website and look up "Marking Requirements"
If you are importing your products into the US, there are certain requirements you must follow. If you are interested in learning more. You can go to the US Customs website and look up "Marking Requirements"
"Thanks for the friend request! It's nice to meet the person behind some of my favorite work. Good pattern makers are so far and few between."
You are too modest... or busy. One of the two.
Hope you are having a good day.
You are too modest... or busy. One of the two.
Hope you are having a good day.
"Great Site! I look forward to watching it grow. Thanks for doing this.
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Can the items featured in my slideshow be mass produced or manufactured?
Can the items featured in my slideshow be mass produced or manufactured?
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