NFT Art = US$69,000,000


That just sold for ~US$69 million

Seems like I could gen something like that - what gives?

"What sets it apart, though, is that this specific file is an NFT, or non-fungible token."

Interesting stuff and maybe a defense against "deep fakes" (*gosh* I hate this terminology - we should really be able to do better than that).

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  • $69,000,000 is no joke! It's wild to think about the possibilities in the digital art realm. And you bring up a great point about NFTs potentially being a defense against "deep fakes" – seriously, that term needs a serious makeover.
    I've been following the NFT art scene for a while now, and it's fascinating to see how it's revolutionizing the way we perceive and value art. It's like a whole new frontier of creativity and innovation.
    And hey, if you're curious to explore more about NFT art and discover some cool events, NFT Drops Calendar from could be a neat resource to check out.
    NFT Droppers
    NFT Droppers is one of the best 2024 NFT calendar website. Get a sneak peek at our free NFT mint calendar and stay on top of the upcoming NFT drops.…
  • On the other hand, this is the same picture that will always be the original and will never be lost because it uses blockchain technology.
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