Fabulous fashion photos on display by members of the Fashion Industry Network.

Luke 1977

Luke was the son of a talented wedding dress maker and throughout his childhood was constantly exposed to cutting, sewing, altering & pattern drafting at his Walsall home. With all of this going on around him it’s no surprise that by the age of twelve he was already adept at using a sewing machine and he soon became interested in the whole process of the production of garments and began to develop his skills.Upon his graduation Luke took the position of junior designer with a major brand in order to hone his skills and develop a deeper understanding of the industry, setting down the ground work for starting his own label. He had set himself a target of 3 years work experience but in May 2001, after only six months, he began the collaboration with his lifelong friends, Simon & Deborah Poole which saw the creation of the ‘Luke’ label.
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