Fabulous fashion photos on display by members of the Fashion Industry Network.


This is Mannequin "Tethys Hera" wearing one of the first samples from the limited edition/ art - to wear collections by Carlous Palmer " EXOTIC WEB" the collection speaks to the current zeitgeist of the time " KEEP IT REAL", the collection also speaks to the raw sexuality available on the internet , however the taste level of the collection as a whole is ARTISTIC in nature . the collection shows limited a limited color pallette created from Donna Karan Fabric, while peaking to the woman that believes that she can show what she's got while still maintaining a sense of dignity . the collection is being created in limited edition for the fashionista that prides His or Her self as being an idividual.. these garment will be created in very limited numbers and will be availible in selected boutiques in New York and DC , and Palm Beach the
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