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  • Hi Regina, I accodently deleted you from my page, would you mind sending again so it shows, I was not paying attention to what I was doing and I deleted you and another person. Sorry! And thank you!
  • Hi Regina, I accodently deleted you from my page, would you mind sending again so it shows, I was not paying attention to what I was doing and I deleted you and another person. Sorry! And thank you!
  • I Regina, from Nevada huh? I have spent over 30 years between Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe, where are you and what is it you do?
  • I Regina, from Nevada huh? I have spent over 30 years between Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe, where are you and what is it you do?
  • Hi Regina
    thanks for being on my list of friends.I hope we can make great things here.
  • Hi Regina
    thanks for being on my list of friends.I hope we can make great things here.
  • Regina, welcome to the Fashion Industry Network. We look forward to hearing more from you in the forum and the groups. We have a Jewelry group that you can join if you have not already done so. The groups still have low membership because this site is still very new. Please be patiend as the membership grows. In time, this site should hopefully help you network with the fashion industry. By the way, I see that you do not currently work in the industry. If you were looking for employment, you can check our site at Maybe that will help..
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