Shraddha Kapoor dished out yet another red look as she stepped out to promote her upcoming movie Stree 2. The actress has been religiously following themed dressing in all red looks for each promotional outing as it resounds with her character's colour choice in the flick. Shraddha Kapoor delivered a red floral silk dress.
The actress looked nothing short of magical in this knee-length dress detailed with hand painted floral motifs all over. The V-neck dress that had gold hand work embellishment details which complemented Shraddha's form. In the accessories arena, Shraddha wore a pair of dark gold peep-toe heels with straps around her ankles and a pair of intricately designed gold drop earrings with beaded pearl.
As for her hair and makeup of the day, Shraddha went for a breezy straight blow-out and left her hair open over her shoulders. She teamed this with a minimal makeup look featuring fluffy brows, gold shimmery eyelids, mascara filled wispy lashes, a hint of blush on her cheeks, and a peachy-nude lip colour that added the finishing touch to the look.