The 2023 edition of the Cannes Film Festival has already seen a stream of Bollywood celebrities grace the red carpet. While we await the likes of Aishwarya Rai and Aditi Rao Hydari, Sara Ali Khan captured our attention with her red carpet debut at Cannes. While ball gowns and fitted dresses are the trend du jour at the summer event in the French Riviera, that wasn't quite so for Sara. The Bollywood actress picked a designer embroidered lehenga from Abu Jani - Sandeep Khosla, of whom she has been a long-time loyalist. For the event, the designer duo styled her in an ivory and gold embroidered ensemble with unique touches added to the usual silhouette. Sara donned a hand-embroidered multi-panel skirt in shades of white and beige. Her short sleeve blouse was embellished with silver threadwork and featured a plunging neckline with silver tassels. But that wasn't the most exciting part of her outfit. Sara's outfit featured two drapes; one styled the way a dupatta usually is and the other pinned to her bun like a bride.

For makeup, Sara Ali Khan stayed firmly with brown smokey eyes and defined brows. Bronzed skin and a neutral lip with a centre-parted low bun updo hairstyle wrapped her Cannes debut beauty choices. A bracelet and dangling earrings completed the outfit.

Sara Ali Khan's fitness matra

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