Janhvi Kapoor, accompanied by her rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya, visited the Tirupati Balaji temple on a serene Friday morning. Dressed in a traditional off-white saree, the stylish diva looked gracefully elegant. From dazzling in a sizzling red bodycon dress on Koffee with Karan to effortlessly slaying her ethnic outfit look, Janhvi proves she’s a versatile fashionista who can pull off any style with perfection. Wherever she goes, the stunning actress ensures she grabs attention with her
traditional saree (2)
Veteran actress Rekha, who is known for her elegant style choices, wore a modern twist to her traditional saree when she was spotted on Saturday night. The veteran actress made a high messy bun, gold earrings, and statement sunglasses. But it was her white-gold sneakers that stole the show, and netizens couldn't stop gushing over the look.
Rekha not only gives moviegoers memorable films and characters, but also steals the show with her exceptional charm while also making a fashion statement. The
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