miss (8)

A South Jersey woman has her wedding marieprom dress back right in time for the holidays.

"There was quite a few people that had said that I needed to get over it," said Rosalynne Plum. She was still heartbroken two weeks after we first interviewed her. We stopped by her Mantua home tonight to ask if she had received any leads on her missing wedding dress.

Nice Long Dark Royal Blue Tailor Made Evening Prom Dress (LFNAF0013)

"I'd given up hope," she said. Rosalynne reached out to Fox 29 two weeks ago. She showed us these pictures of her wedding dress which had been

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As an ultimate reflection of sexy appearance and bold fashion statements, red dresses are unavoidable part of “dressed to seduce” look, what makes them ideal for all ladies ready to show off their charm, strong attitude and self-confidence. So, if you enjoy being the lady in red, dare to embrace those trendy red dress ideas which are recently very popular among celebrities and fashion divas:


Simply Red, but effective

Wearing a dress in red hues will already make you look irresistibly hot, so even

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InFAME-ous infringement

Full article found at http://fameappeal.com/2011/04/infame-ous-infringement/

380x620xtrue-religion-mek-denim-miss-me-infringement-counterfiet1.png.pagespeed.ic.48AcBeMUg2.pngA series  of stores named FAME New York has infringed on True Religion Jeans, (subsidiary of GURU jeans) MEK denim and Miss Me Jeans (a subsidiary of Sweet People Inc.) The heavily embroidered clothing companies filed suit against Defendant FAME NY operated by Mr. Sung Kwon Lee, who allegedly bases his counterfeit operations out of Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. Lee did not stop in NY he has incorporated FAME stores througho

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A South Jersey woman has her wedding marieprom dress back right in time for the holidays.

"There was quite a few people that had said that I needed to get over it," said Rosalynne Plum. She was still heartbroken two weeks after we first interviewed her. We stopped by her Mantua home tonight to ask if she had received any leads on her missing wedding dress.

Nice Long Dark Royal Blue Tailor Made Evening Prom Dress (LFNAF0013)

"I'd given up hope," she said. Rosalynne reached out to Fox 29 two weeks ago. She showed us these pictures of her wedding dress which had been

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As an ultimate reflection of sexy appearance and bold fashion statements, red dresses are unavoidable part of “dressed to seduce” look, what makes them ideal for all ladies ready to show off their charm, strong attitude and self-confidence. So, if you enjoy being the lady in red, dare to embrace those trendy red dress ideas which are recently very popular among celebrities and fashion divas:


Simply Red, but effective

Wearing a dress in red hues will already make you look irresistibly hot, so even

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InFAME-ous infringement

Full article found at http://fameappeal.com/2011/04/infame-ous-infringement/

380x620xtrue-religion-mek-denim-miss-me-infringement-counterfiet1.png.pagespeed.ic.48AcBeMUg2.pngA series  of stores named FAME New York has infringed on True Religion Jeans, (subsidiary of GURU jeans) MEK denim and Miss Me Jeans (a subsidiary of Sweet People Inc.) The heavily embroidered clothing companies filed suit against Defendant FAME NY operated by Mr. Sung Kwon Lee, who allegedly bases his counterfeit operations out of Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. Lee did not stop in NY he has incorporated FAME stores througho

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