copyright (6)

InFAME-ous infringement

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380x620xtrue-religion-mek-denim-miss-me-infringement-counterfiet1.png.pagespeed.ic.48AcBeMUg2.pngA series  of stores named FAME New York has infringed on True Religion Jeans, (subsidiary of GURU jeans) MEK denim and Miss Me Jeans (a subsidiary of Sweet People Inc.) The heavily embroidered clothing companies filed suit against Defendant FAME NY operated by Mr. Sung Kwon Lee, who allegedly bases his counterfeit operations out of Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. Lee did not stop in NY he has incorporated FAME stores througho

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Image via Flikr/TADA! its lindsay

Designers– big news in the fashion industry today as there may soon be a new law that could help you claim the rights of your next creation.New York Senator Chuck Schumer along with the Council Fashion Designers of America and American Apparel & Footwear Association introduced a bill last night that could provide more protection for designers in the U.S. Pretty huge right? (more…)

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Fashion Copyright Infringement

Fashion copyright infringement is an interesting topic that I think we should all learn more about. In the fashion industry, so much has already been done. At what point can a company claim that "they did it first". In all honesty, I do not really fully understand the rules. For example, if I create a long sleeve t-shirt and make one sleeve red and the other sleeve black, can I copyright that design. Does that mean no one else can make a long sleeve t-shirt with one sleeve black and one sleeve r
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InFAME-ous infringement

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380x620xtrue-religion-mek-denim-miss-me-infringement-counterfiet1.png.pagespeed.ic.48AcBeMUg2.pngA series  of stores named FAME New York has infringed on True Religion Jeans, (subsidiary of GURU jeans) MEK denim and Miss Me Jeans (a subsidiary of Sweet People Inc.) The heavily embroidered clothing companies filed suit against Defendant FAME NY operated by Mr. Sung Kwon Lee, who allegedly bases his counterfeit operations out of Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. Lee did not stop in NY he has incorporated FAME stores througho

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Image via Flikr/TADA! its lindsay

Designers– big news in the fashion industry today as there may soon be a new law that could help you claim the rights of your next creation.New York Senator Chuck Schumer along with the Council Fashion Designers of America and American Apparel & Footwear Association introduced a bill last night that could provide more protection for designers in the U.S. Pretty huge right? (more…)

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Fashion Copyright Infringement

Fashion copyright infringement is an interesting topic that I think we should all learn more about. In the fashion industry, so much has already been done. At what point can a company claim that "they did it first". In all honesty, I do not really fully understand the rules. For example, if I create a long sleeve t-shirt and make one sleeve red and the other sleeve black, can I copyright that design. Does that mean no one else can make a long sleeve t-shirt with one sleeve black and one sleeve r
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