South star Keerthy Suresh has delivered another winning sartorial moment. She posted pictures of herself wearing a dreamy gingham printedsareefor the promotions of her upcoming movie, Raghu Thatha which is set to hit the silver screen this Independence Day on 15 August 2024. The actress looked effortlessly chic in a girl next door avatar and got us taking desi everyday fashion notes from her.
Keerthy Suresh draped herself in a light blue and white gingham printed saree in a satin synthetic material with distant floral print details as well. She teamed the nine-yards-wonder with a sleeveless frilled white blouse with a bustier design and a translucent neckline made out of a net material. The U-neckline blouse also had matching floral print details to go perfectly with the saree.
On the accessories front, Keerthy went for a pair of pearl and diamond encrusted earrings, a gold and pearl cocktail ring adorned on her index finger, and a statement white striped ribbon running through her hair that had been secured with a bow. For her hair and makeup of the day, Keerthy picked the perfect plain jane messy braid detailed with the white ribbon and some fringes were framing her face. As for her makeup, Keerthy wore a glowing base, fluffy brows, shimmer laden eyelids, lots of mascara for fluttery lashes, and a hint of blush and a rum-brown lip gloss to add the finishing touch to the look.