Color guide: How to wear coral

Coral is a softer version of orange. This shade is widely used on wedding. Since coral is a bluer orange, it has equal parts warm and cool combined in it. So this shade looks well on people in different skin tons. You can wear coral in a variety of ways. You can choose coral as your clothing color or you can choose coral accessories to highlight your whole look.

Coral dresses are always prefect summer choices whether you choose long, asymmetric or simple. Coral is a color that you can both wear during days and nights. Coral goes well with many colors. If you choose to wear a coral dress, then you will have lots of choices on your accessories colors. Usually, accessories in mint, royal blue, black, white and gold would flatter your coral dress well. If you want a bold and romantic look, a coral dress is just perfect for you. Usually, choosing bridesmaid dresses is a really tough work since different people have different skin tones and body shapes. It’s hard to find colors that flatter every person. Coral dresses would be perfect for your girls. This shade would satisfy all of your bridesmaids. View tons of coral bridesmaid dresses online at LunaDress.

coral dress

Colored jeans are really popular these years. We can see a lot of fashion icons wearing stylish colored jeans in street snaps. If you wish to stand out, opt for coral jeans. Coral is a great color that can get you a lot of mileage. Worn with navy, you can ground this color in a neutral shade to create balance. Since coral is a universal color, a coral top is a great way to update your basic pieces like pencil skirts.

coral shoes

If you are not used to wear coral dress and jeans, you may add coral to your accessories. For example, you can wear a pair of coral high heels to make your grey work dress more stylish while still looking professional. If you are going to attend an evening party and plan to wear a simple dress, you may pair your dress with a pair of coral earrings, a coral belt or a coral evening clutch.

coral lip

What’s more, you can also add coral to you look by wearing coral lipstick. As I mentioned before, coral is a softer version of orange and orange lipstick flatters all skin tones, you may try coral lipstick if you don’t know how to find the right lip color for your skin tone.

Fall in love with this stunning shade? Look for more coral iterms at Luna Dress.


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