Bollywood actress Vidya Balan paid a sartorial tribute to Bharat Ratna M.S.Subbulakshmi with a cluster of photographs that revived the glory of "the original style icon" who appearance was simple yet striking. It is her…
Hina Khan, amid her continued breast cancer treatment, has been continuing her work commitments as usual. Recently, Hina Khan turned into the most stunning bride as she owned the ramp for the Grand Finale at Times Fashion Week. Of course, it had…
When it comes to maintaining human hair wigs, the right frequency for washing and knowing the lifespan of your wig are crucial for preserving its quality and appearance.
Kencar fashion magazine will be hosting its first Inernational fashion weekend show in Ghana on October 21-22nd and are now inviting all types of fashion designers and models to be a part of this spectacular event. The first 10 designers will get their designs featured in our next issue. contact for application form and visit
Welcome to the group! My name is Denise and I am in the branding industry. If you are in need of clothing labels, hang tags, etc for your clothing line please contact me at or stop by our site and start with some FREE samples.
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Kencar fashion magazine will be hosting its first Inernational fashion weekend show in Ghana on October 21-22nd and are now inviting all types of fashion designers and models to be a part of this spectacular event. The first 10 designers will get their designs featured in our next issue. contact for application form and visit
Welcome to the group! My name is Denise and I am in the branding industry. If you are in need of clothing labels, hang tags, etc for your clothing line please contact me at or stop by our site and start with some FREE samples.
Enjoy your holiday!