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  • The future of fashion at, sign up for free! Fashion designers that will be in the NY area on Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 please contact us at for details on how to participate in our pre-holiday, Black Saturday, shop till you drop fashion show. Models interested in participating please contact us as well.
  • Join the most interactive fashion community at - Here are our updates:

    1) Vote: vote for the best accessory for Fall 2011 by clicking on MW Contest tab

    2) Fashion Show: MW is hosting a fashion show/expo and we are looking for 5 top notch NY designers and 9 models interested in participating...designers there is a fee associated with the 45 minute fashion show and selling your items to thousands of shoppers but MW was able to keep cost ridiculously low considering the exposure you will receive. This is your chance to shine don't pass on this opportunity!

    3) New feature: Click on "Cool Sites" at and suggest your site if accepted your website will be featured for only $1.99

    4)  How charming: MW is seeking one fashion designer/retailer that makes prom dresses to sell to a class of 13 girls

    Please contact us at for details on any of our updates

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