Starting a new line requires a lot of work and is extremely time consuming and complicated.

Sylvie de Gil, famous Parisian stylist who has also been acting as a trusted Fashion consultant since 2000. Her agency, Jomsy Consulting, is based in the growing Fashion District in Los Angeles and in the prestigious Beverly Hills, CA.

She has been working from her own design studios and has helped many new designers getting started into this fabulous world that is the Fashion industry.

Sylvie works from your very own creative ideas, sketches and drawings. She is able to assist you from A to Z until the final results. If you wish, she can also locate the most perfect fabric for your creations.

Jomsy respects any type of production capacity: From 10 to over 500 pieces.

An “a la carte” service, a place where your budget will be discussed in details, so no surprise down the road.

A free of charge first consultation via Skype, MSN or e-mail can be provided. Afterwards, if you wish to continue with Jomsy Consulting, Sylvie will help you choose the best rate corresponding to your needs.

Visit her Web site at for additional information. References can be provided upon request.




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