Pregnant sphynx

Hi I’m writing on a behalf of a friend because she feels so guilty. she’s got 2 sphynx cats brother and sister and was planning on nutering the boy, she’s had a lot going on with her health and making the appointment slipped her mind.. and she’s now noticed her female is looking a bit round… what is the best advice from here? If she can’t get abortion, would they be ok firstly would she have to rehome them stating the facts and as *pet only homes* at discounted price or free… this is a situation I can’t help her with so I’m coming to you guys x

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  • Pregnant Sphynx cats with their round bellies do look pretty funny. If your cat pregnant, it's important to talk to a vet right away. The male should still be neutered, and if she can't get an abortion, the kittens will need good homes.
    If anyone is thinking about getting a Sphynx, there are some cute . Just make sure to check if they've been tested for HCM, which is a common issue in the breed.
    Explore top sphynx kittens for sale. Discover hairless sphynx cat adoptions from reputable breeders and learn about sphynx cat care and availability.
  • Ring vet ASAP. Neuter male anyway. If her vet won't neuter the girl at present any kittens should go already vaccinated & neutered at 13+ weeks. Girl should also be neutered.

    No-one can say how any kittens will be affected but the should not go for free.
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