Jomsy Inc. is located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, in the Fashion District.

Why our company is different from others?



We cover ALL aspects of fashion. Not only do we work on PR/Marketing, but we also help coach you on your collection from steps A through Z. We manufacture, make patterns and samples, and bring your line into production. 

Besides helping young designers with their collection, we are designers as well, in which we understand fashion to the fullest extent. 


Aside from having four different languages spoken in our company, Jomsy's CEO, Sylvie De Gil, has been in fashion for over 20 years, and has travelled the world in which she has built strong relationships with press and clients globally. 


Some of the PR/Marketing services we do include:


  1. Development of your public image & press materials
  2. Guerilla Marketing
  3. Building content of press releases/pitches
  4. We strive to expose your brand to both national and international press
  5. We set up all your necessary social media platforms.

For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at
Follow us on Twitter @JomsyConsulting
Like us on Facebook & Add Sylvie De Gil

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