Finance, manufacturing, sales, these are 3 main difficulties that most start up designers face. 

1. When you give a sample to a manufacturer and ask him to replicate, he may charge huge considering the fact of small volume, sourcing of fabrics and trims and many other issues. How about going to a small manufacturers factory, move along with him and source the raw materials by your own, make sewing patterns in his factory by yourself and just give him a sewing contract.You may be able to cut down 60% of the cost. 
2. Finance - May not be a bother if you are ready to tie up with small manufacturers. They will finance your whole supply chain cost if you are willing to partner with them and give them regular sewing contracts. 
3. Sales - Always do this with the help of independent sales rep based on commissions. For that you need to work backward by developing samples and hand over to him.

In effect if you have talent and are willing to travel a bit in the beginning, fashion industry is a goldmine for you.

Thanks / George

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