Hi everyone,

I run the clothingdealsonline.com blog and I'm researching a list for a massive blog post on the "Top 50 online clothing stores".  If you'd like your site to be included, this thread is for you.  I'll link to your site in the blog post - providing your store is of good enough quality.


What I need from you is:


1.  A 50 word description (approximately) describing your store, what you sell and what you are about.

2.  Your website URL

3.  Category of your clothing store from the following options:  urban, girls, junior, indie, discount, kids, Japanese, mens, plus size.  


You can pick more than one category, or suggest a new category if you really don't fit in any of those.


The sooner you reply the more likely you are to be included :)


Good luck!




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